

Sep 4, 2021
hi everyone, i’m emmaly, i’ve decided to start using this app more often so i felt like i should introduce myself. i’ve had chickens my whole life but the past 2-3 years i’ve really gotten into owning/collecting different breeds and now i’m starting to branch out into different types of birds (quail, ducks, etc.). currently i have around 60 birds but i’m hoping to continue expanding my flock. i have a ton of different breeds of chickens, my favourites being d’uccle mille fleurs, speckled sussex, calico cochins, things similar. i really like calicos lol. i’ve always loved animals and birds are that perfect animal for me, i love almost every aspect of owning birds (not the pooping in the water dish part). other than that i like to annoy my friends by talking nonstop about my chickens and research different birds. i do also have other animals (a goat, a bunny, dogs, a cat) but the birds are definitely my main focus. i’ve been reading different forums on here and realized this is one of the nicest sides of the internet you could possibly get to. everyone here seems so polite and i’m happy to join this. i’ll throw in a pic of one of my birds too.


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