Just wanted to stop and say hello...Just joined a week or so ago but have been visiting for a while now!!
I'm Missi from Pride, La and I just recently got my chicken coop finished and my first chickens.. (3 Barred Rock hens and a RIR mixed with a banty rooster a friend gave me) Well I just couldn't leave well enough alone (I swear it is a total addiction) I went and bought 15 - 1 1/2 week out Barred Rock pullets... Their now 3 1/2 weeks old and growing like little weeds...
Just wanted to say I have completly enjoyed reading the post on here and I have learned so much!!
I'm Missi from Pride, La and I just recently got my chicken coop finished and my first chickens.. (3 Barred Rock hens and a RIR mixed with a banty rooster a friend gave me) Well I just couldn't leave well enough alone (I swear it is a total addiction) I went and bought 15 - 1 1/2 week out Barred Rock pullets... Their now 3 1/2 weeks old and growing like little weeds...
Just wanted to say I have completly enjoyed reading the post on here and I have learned so much!!