Hi :)


6 Years
Mar 31, 2013
Sunny California
I never figured I would need to sign up for a chicken forum, but here I am lol. I have had my 3 Amaraucana chicks for 3 days now. I look forward to them getting older (I'm a paranoid wreck over temperatures right now), and I also can't wait for them to reward all my hard work with some tasty eggs. I decided to pursue chickens after my employers got some, and I fell in love. It took a few weeks of convincing my bf, but he ended up being the one to actually go to the store and get them. Any tips for a new chicken owner? Other than that, I will look around a bit. Can't wait to meet other chicken lovers too.
Check out the Learning Center
Build your coop larger than you think you will need - these creatures are very addictive - welcome to BYC.
A big hey ya'll from Alabama!

Don't freak out too much over temperatures. Just make sure one end of the box is close to the correct temp and one end cooler in case they get hot. I had to move my box several times before I found a place that was draft free. You xant always tell when you have a draft. Just walking by the box creates a draft!... good luck withyour babies...

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