

In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 9, 2014
Hi everybody! I am new to chickens but I am interested in raising them. I have a dog and am getting a holland lop rabbit.
Hello I'm new to BYC too! I have 25 hens. 10 reds, and 15 Black Astralorps. They are 16 weeks right now. I do wonder about when do they start laying...we just started raising chickens this year and moved to the country in Indiana.
Hi I'm new too! I have four hens. Just moved them to outside garage coop tonight. Hope they don't get too scared! The coop is built in a two car two story garage with 6 windows. Will it get too hot for them? Summers get to 90's and humid. I'm in PA. Anyone know?
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! You might like to check out the BYC Learning Center, lots of good articles on all aspects of chicken keeping you'll find helpful. https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center

LadySteph00 With that size flock and being good laying breeds I would be expecting my first egg in the next week or two and most of them laying by 22-26 weeks or so.

chickadoodle1 Can't really say how hot it will get in the garage, depends on the natural shade, wind direction etc etc, you will just have to monitor the temperature and make adjustments, fans etc, if it gets too hot.

Welcome to BYC!

Australorps are pretty hardy in the heat as long as they have shade. Being black, they can't take direct sun for very long. So offer up lots of shade and they will do fine. My Aussies are so super friendly. Love them to pieces!

Welcome to our flock!

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