*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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"Yout flatter me greatly Asclepius. I must say, I'm unaccustomed to such lavish praise from a male. " Xatia said with a smirk. She then shifted error gaze to the alphas as Zypher carried a very aged Aurora over to Jackie's cabin. "Somthing is draining her of life force and element magic. " She whispered softly.
Kellan looked over to Zypher and the others and frowned a little "We should try to help." He said then looked to Xatia again before going to the portal
Gugol convulsed on the table, the acid uncontrollably spraying from her mouth as she sized in cardiac arrest.
As the Gugol's heart continued to weaken, the scientists tried everything they could through the remote operating cell. The acid ate away at the stainless steel arms and instruments. As well as when the acidic vapors reached the camera's lens, it block the veiw. They cursed and rushed to gear up in suits to come to her aid as they opened the glass surgical chamber.

Markus watched on in dread. Would they save her? Was it too late already?
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(I Just want to say while I have no idea what is going on in this game because its been going on for so long, it looks and sounds seriously awesome! )
Hunter and Logan looked to one another then around the room as they cleaned their packmate and waited for her to wake. Neither one had seen the fae wolf before and were not certain what it would mean, but to them, she certainly moved up in rank now, even more than her birth lent her. They were worried for her though, neither had ever seen her with so much rage as she had shown here today. Hunter wanted to talk toher when she woke up again.

Aurora smiled softly and nodded, leaning close so she wouldn't throw off his balance or fall as he rushed along.

Jackie was in her house, busy cooking for the group that had stayed close. She had napped earlier, after helping with another house a bit further away. Eventually there would be enough houses for the entire pack to live here is they wanted, though for now it was mostly for the adult 'children' they had rescued and needed to teach to live right.
Viktor waited for the shooters to get ready befor example swinging the door wide to give them a clear shot.
Aeval stood at the images on the screen. " You coward! You have no honor or integrity." She hissed through clench teeth.

Dominic smiled at her and said, "And hereven I saved you from Nikolai. Some would say that is chivalrous in its entirety. The things he would have done to you slight frame."

"He didn't scare me!" Aeval lied, but knowing the conviction was missing from her words, she sat down on the mattress quietly.

Dominic simply chuckled at her bravo. She was very interesting to say the least. She seemed to have three personalities. One for each head, perhaps?"
Zypher didn't waist any time getting to Jackie's cabin. "Jackie?! Help! It's Aurora, she needs you!" He pleaded desperately.

Garmr stayed with Anna the whole time. She was so worried about her friend. She'd been so strong on the boat, she'd pulled her through, she felt wretched that she couldn't return the favor. She looked to the kitchen as Jackie was seen through the door way.
Xatia dipped her head to Kellan. "My thoughts exactly. " She said in agreement as she fell in step with him. Glancing back to Asclepius and asked, "Coming?"
"I'll take a look and see if I could be of any help," stated Asclepius worriedly. He trailed just behind, bringing his briefcase along.
(I was considering joining but I think I might not be able too. I am in like five RPs right now and I don't have any idea what the plot is in this game, I so wish I had been a member when it started. I am however going to at least watch this game as its super interesting. )
Razeth trailed to the far right both guarding and keeping watch for humans. He wasn't at ease anymore in the jungle. Expecially when they'd have to travel as their weaker selves.

Valstrath followed in the rear. He watched broodmother and thought about what she'd explained to Nidhogg. Lifemagic? So that was why the jungle had kept them safe and even fought to save them. That must be powerful magic indeed. "Where did the original acid drinking vine come from broodmother?" He ventured to ask curiously.
Reaper cleaved to his tiny son as he sobbed, to soothed himself as best he could. He couldn't tell him pretty lies, he knew what the humans were capable of. He glanced to storm in the cell adjacent to his. He looked to be a broken soul now. The vibrancy of before, dulled by his defeat. A movement caught his eyes I the cell across from him. Nevitha was pacing and kicking at the glass with her tiny foot here and there with her frustration. She glared at Trogdor in his arms almost envious of the attention he received. "Nevitha, I'd hug you too if I could. Know this as a certainty. " He called out to ease her.

Nevitha growled, "I am the strongest wyrmling! He's the last hatching weakling he'll always be! I need nothing from you, father of mine! You just coddle him all you want! " She snarled angrily as he turned to go sit in the corner of her cell.
"Yout flatter me greatly Asclepius. I must say, I'm unaccustomed to such lavish praise from a male. " Xatia said with a smirk. She then shifted error gaze to the alphas as Zypher carried a very aged Aurora over to Jackie's cabin. "Somthing is draining her of life force and element magic. " She whispered softly.
" There is a small amount of magic in everything. All magics have certain rules. If you can learn those rules, you can use it to your advantage when necessary. I spent much time meditating, and communing, with the plants and creatures that live here. I've lived in this very jungle 1000 years, and in that time, I've come to know the true names of things, and how to bend them to my will. But, to do so requires a certain amount of return. Nothing is granted for free. Therefore, I took on the role as protector to the jungle, my mere presence causing the natives to avoid penetrating the veil here. We are the balancers here, in a sense. Besides, if we were to destroy the jungle, it would no longer produce delicious meats for us, so it behooves us to protect it. The jungle, in turn, has learned to trust us with its secrets. One of our collusions is the acid drinking vine, or the dragon's blood rose. I spent many a season breeding this plant. It is a masterpiece of dragon's magic combined with nature. There should still be plenty of seeds about our home. I shall gather some for each of you to use, should the need arise."
Slygotha walked tenderly on her bare human feet, padding as softly as a cat. Her braids piled like a crown on her head, she pushed her way through the thicket, continuing to teach her children mannerisms and local ancient customs. "That reminds me, we shall need to construct suitable coverings for all of us. Human skin is delicate, and they find their natural states lewd. Since we want to blend in, leaves may not be enough."
They were much nearer to the old lair now, the stench of battle hung in the air. Slygotha placed a hand on her sons' shoulders, as Nidhogg timidly peeked from behind. Nidhogg trembled, but didn't reveal her fear to her family. She didn't want to appear weak.


Trogdor shot a reproachful glance at Nevitha, barring his little teeth at her. He realized that he wasn't very strong or smart, especially compared to his family.
(I was considering joining but I think I might not be able too. I am in like five RPs right now and I don't have any idea what the plot is in this game, I so wish I had been a member when it started. I am however going to at least watch this game as its super interesting. )
(We'd love to have you. So if you change your mind, please don't hesitate to join. If you want to play a few Russians or the shifter characters in their ownership, they're new to the rp and haven't been established yet. So you could easily blend with the long established characters. The mastermind behind the Russians is Dominic Volkov. )
(I was considering joining but I think I might not be able too. I am in like five RPs right now and I don't have any idea what the plot is in this game, I so wish I had been a member when it started. I am however going to at least watch this game as its super interesting. )
( I joined in about a year ago. We don't post all the time, so there's plenty of time to read back if you want. I'll admit I've got all dragons. )

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