*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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Zypher paused and listened closely as he looked around confused. "Wait! What has happened here? " He asked quietly. It was as if the forest had finally came alive. The Eerie silence replace with joyful songs the bird and various other inhabitants. He smiled in wonderment. "It matters not what happened, just that it did. It's now a true paradise. " He replied once he shifted to his human form to look around from a vertical height.
Gammr smiled and held the cup up in toast to that. "To basic magic! " She said pleasantly.
Racine squeezed Sorcha's hand ever so slightly and addressed the generals. "I leave for a few days and come back to a wondrous surprise."

"A wondrous surprise, he says! We're not the one who got hitched. If it's wondrous surprises, it that you found someone to put up with you and agree to stay with ya!" Thorn called out good-naturedly.

"Ah! Careful now, you'll scare her away, you armor bound bone head! " Enoch retorted with equal levity. The others laughed at the two.

Racine chuckled softly as they settled back into their usual bantering. He spoke in Sorcha's mind, "We are less formal then queen Avalon's court. I hope you don't mind. "
Avalon stood back and listening as Bardou explained things to the cooks. She found the breif questioning looks cast her way amusing. She smiled at them all and tried to fit in here.
Falkirk was right behind her and fell in with the Balors as the led them onwards to the falls.
"Wait! Danika, you said? They spread of her briefly before they removed my horn. They'd shipped her off to a very bad man. General Watson, I believe is who they said. If you take me with you, I'll help you save the girl. " Anton said in a rush, as he shifted into his human form.
Anna was really happy to hear and see nature here, though she hadn't forgotten the race. She looked to Zypher then bolted for the stream again, laughing happily.
Fay chuckled and raised her cup as well before drinking from it. She was enjoying this time with Garmr and the nature around them, She felt like she was making a friend.
Sorcha chuckled softly at the joking then looked over to Thorn "You won't be scaring me away that easily. I plan to stay with Racine." She looked to her husband and smiled, adding 'forever' privately
Once he was done, he grabbed some ingredients and brought them over to a clean table "Alright, my queen, shall we try this?" He asked with a rueful grin.
The falls when they reached them looked as their name implied, it looked like a waterfall of rainbow colors. The water itself seemed to hold the colors, though none of their guides could say why beyond magic. They landed to look at this sight in front of them, shifting to human forms to take less room
"Yes, Danika. I have to find her, wherever she is,let's go" Shaylee said with a quick nod as she opened the door to start searching for a way out of there now.
Anna was really happy to hear and see nature here, though she hadn't forgotten the race. She looked to Zypher then bolted for the stream again, laughing happily.

Fay chuckled and raised her cup as well before drinking from it. She was enjoying this time with Garmr and the nature around them, She felt like she was making a friend.
Sorcha chuckled softly at the joking then looked over to Thorn "You won't be scaring me away that easily. I plan to stay with Racine." She looked to her husband and smiled, adding 'forever' privately

Once he was done, he grabbed some ingredients and brought them over to a clean table "Alright, my queen, shall we try this?" He asked with a rueful grin. 

The falls when they reached them looked as their name implied, it looked like a waterfall of rainbow colors. The water itself seemed to hold the colors, though none of their guides could say why beyond magic. They landed to look at this sight in front of them, shifting to human forms to take less room

"Yes, Danika. I have to find her, wherever she is,let's go" Shaylee said with a quick nod as she opened the door to start searching for a way out of there now.  

Zypher realized too late that Anna had bested him. He shook his head as he shifted and charged after her. "Sneaky wolf!" He called after her with a chuckle to himself.
Gammr was equally hoping a new friendship was forming. For she'd always found them on short supply.
A round of laughter started at Sorcha's reply. As several nudged Enoch in playfully ribbing. " She told you, you over blow ego!" To which Enoch replied, "I'll show you, over blown. I've bested ya all in sparring. How's that for ego?!"

Thorn cleared his throat at that. "Are you a fishermen now? Because your fish tails keep getting large and less based in truth!" He asked dramatically in jest.

Enoch growled at that and amended with a smile, "Alright, I've bested all but you. Better?"

"Lots! I can't have the new queen thing I'm a slacker, like the rest of you!" Thorn stated in mock arrogance.

Racine paid them no mind. His attention on the most important part of his world now. His beloved wife. " Forever sounds like a dream with you, my love." He replied privately in return.
"Try? I intend to succeed, Bardou. Led on and I shall be right beside you." She said with humor. She then rolled up her sleeves and washed her hands in a bowl provide for that purpose.
Falkirk shared in amazement at the broad spectrum of colors as they shifted within the water itself. He landed and shifted he mumbled, "It's truly exquisite!"
"Yes, ma'am!" Anton said as he hurried to catch up with Shaylee. "I'm Anton, by the way." He added out of politeness.
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Zypher realized too late that Anna had bested him. He shook his head as he shifted and charged after her. "Sneaky wolf!" He called after her with a chuckle to himself.
Gammr was equally hoping a new friendship was forming. For she'd always found them on short supply.
A round of laughter started at Sorcha's reply. As several nudged Enoch in playfully ribbing. " She told you, you over blow ego!" To which Enoch replied, "I'll show you, over blown. I've bested ya all in sparring. How's that for ego?!"

Thorn cleared his throat at that. "Are you a fishermen now? Because your fish tails keep getting large and less based in truth!" He asked dramatically in jest.

Enoch growled at that and amended with a smile, "Alright, I've bested all but you. Better?"

"Lots! I can't have the new queen thing I'm a slacker, like the rest of you!" Thorn stated in mock arrogance.

Racine paid them no mind. His attention on the most important part of his world now. His beloved wife. " Forever sounds like a dream with you, my love." He replied privately in return.
"Try? I intend to succeed, Bardou. Led on and I shall be right beside you." She said with humor. She then rolled up her sleeves and washed her hands in a bowl provide for that purpose.
Falkirk shared in amazement at the broad spectrum of colors as they shifted within the water itself. He landed and shifted he mumbled, "It's truly exquisite!"
"Yes, ma'am!" Anton said as he hurried to catch up with Shaylee. "I'm Anton, by the way." He added out of politeness.
Anna laughed as she ran, jumping into the stream then turning to face him and lapping up some of the water. she was so happy to be here with him now, even if it was just for the night.
(I don't know where to go with these two, want to fade them out?)
Sorcha laughed softly at what the generals were saying to one another. They did make her feel more relaxed herself here.She was looking at Racine when he spoke directly to her, nodding at his words. "Yes, a dream we can live everyday." She replied softly
Bardou washed his hands then looked at the ingredients they had set out before them "Alright, here we go" He said before picking up the first one to add to a bowl and going over the list again
"It is incredible" Star said, shifting to take his hand.

"We don't know why this water is so colorful. It comes from a spring just above the falls and disappears again at a small lake a little further down." Amelia said, going over to touch the water with her hand. She cupped a little and picked it up, looking at the colors on her hand.
"I am Princess Shaylee" She replied then faltered in her steps, stopping to put one hand to the wall and the other to her forehead "There is far too much iron in this place. It drains me." She muttered then shook her head and stood to push on.
Asclepius finished up his last day filling in at the city family practice. He had been itching to get back to to tower and engage in a new and exciting venture. Especially with other dragons there. He dialed the number on the business card he had for the city pack.
Asclepius finished up his last day filling in at the city family practice. He had been itching to get back to to tower and engage in a new and exciting venture. Especially with other dragons there. He dialed the number on the business card he had for the city pack.

Shane answed the phone. "Hello?" He didn't recognize the number himself yet, so the greeting was generic.
(Thank you, Nicky.I decided for her to live in this RP)
Isadora wandered the city, and a few people stared at her and her ducked her head.
(I have a red-tailed hawk and a Roc that are not being played right now, both are female. I do try to get on at least once a day.)
Shane answed the phone. "Hello?" He didn't recognize the number himself yet, so the greeting was generic.

"Hello! This is Asclepius Oinkonomopolis! We met several days back, when I promised I would come help out. Well, I've finished up all my loose ends, completed my job, so I'm available for anything if you have a project for me! Do you need me to come over or anything? Are there any bastions of evil you want me to bust up? I'm ready to assist!" Asclepius practically gushed with excitement. He was usually helping in a different way by helping and healing people.
"Hello! This is Asclepius Oinkonomopolis! We met several days back, when I promised I would come help out. Well, I've finished up all my loose ends, completed my job, so I'm available for anything if you have a project for me! Do you need me to come over or anything? Are there any bastions of evil you want me to bust up? I'm ready to assist!" Asclepius practically gushed with excitement. He was usually helping in a different way by helping and healing people.
Shane chuckled softly "We are planning a raid, come on over and I can give you the details." He wasn't going to talk too much over the phone, especially with the alphas in Jackie's realm.

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