*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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( Ok. How about he attacks the village before he realizes Nidhogg is not there. He's blinded by rage at the moment, so that will buy your guy time to get to the port. )

Ducking into his own homestead near the village, he places the baby monster into the back of his old, half rusted truck, not bothering to tell his wife where he was going, but shouting to her to get the children to the root cellar.
Calling back to him, surprised, from their shanty, she questioned him with a toddler on her hips. " Just do it, woman, don't question me. I have to leave now, I'll be gone a few days. You need to shelter in the root cellar now!"
With that, he hopped in the rust bucket, gunning it through town down the dirt roads that lead to the port city on the coast. He knew the further he got, the less likely he would be caught. He only hoped that his wife and children made it to the shelter before those winged monsters followed the scent trail to the village.
( Sure. But quick question, does Jackie's pocket realm match earth's time exactly? )
Zypher slowly came awake to the jubilant songs of the new songbirds. He listened quietly as he looked around the interior on the den.
Racine dipped his head to each in appreciation of their work. He then stated, "We should probably head back to Avalon's castle. You'll need to be introduced to her Sylphs and get reacquainted with the other inhabitants as well." He smiled softly as he looked down to his beloved. "I fear they may think they are being invaded. Good thing you'll be able to assure them otherwise. " He murmured with a chuckle.
Avalon flushed slightly at the obviousness of Bardou's observation. She nodded and replied humbly, " In actuality, that thought had never occurred to me. My father had taught me that they were incapable of higher reasoning. But now, I see that it was yet something else he was mistaken about. And makes their confinement more tragic."
Falkirk chuckled happily and nodded. "That sounds like a very good plan indeed." He then looked back to Star and asked, "Are you ready to go to the next place? "
Anton was eventually subdued and taken back to a holding cell with Shaylee. They'd forced his shift to human halfway through his attack. He'd crumbled to the floor in stunned agony. Such an assault on his inner magic was very debilitating to a mythical.
(Want to pick up the great dragons? )
(Um...sure *shrugs*)
There wasn't much to this den, just the opening they were in and the soft bed they had slept on in a depression against the back wall. There was what looked like a pillar overhead, carved with figures like what was in the bigger den, but it was more faded from being out in weather before it had fallen to help make this den. Anna woke slowly, stretching and looking to him
Sorcha chuckled softly and nodded. She didn't want her new subjects to be harmed by her old friends and acquaintances. "Alright, are we going to take everyone at once?" She asked softly.
Bardou reached out to her "You yourself said that they have regressed to be childlike, that in itself means they can be re-taught to survive out there. Though such a course could take time." He said gently "Even if we have to resort to using illusions to instill fear of certain plants or creatures."
Starr nodded though she was a bit reluctant to leave a place this beautiful. "Maybe we can come back here another day with some painting supplies and try to paint it?" She asked gently.

The three kids stood up, preparing to leave when the royals were ready
Shaylee woke and groaned, moving slowly to test if she could move after that kind of attack. Ugh, she hated electricity attacks with a passion, the soreness always lasted longer than the attack. She sat up to look around herself and see where she was and what was going on now.
(Sure...if I can remember the names involved, lol)
Shane watched him then shook his head "That is so weird. Cool, but weird." He said then chuckled at himself and looked to the ancient books in here again 

" Yeah, I don't usually make it a habit to eat where people watch me. Alone, or in a busy crowd, are best for people to not pay attention to what goes on," commented Asclepius, popping another gemstone and crunching on it like a hard candy.
" Yeah, I don't usually make it a habit to eat where people watch me. Alone, or in a busy crowd, are best for people to not pay attention to what goes on," commented Asclepius, popping another gemstone and crunching on it like a hard candy.
Shane chuckled and nodded "Yeah, busy crowds don't see anything." He agreed then shook his head "Unless you shift,t hen everyone screams about a wolf" He rolled his eyes then chuckled again "Never being a young child to a city, they lose control too easily."
Aurienne sincerely wanted to thank him, but knew that those two words were insufficient in expressing her gratitude. Instead she said: "You have given me more than I could have ever asked for by giving me your friendship. Know this, that for your friendship I will forever be grateful." She smiled broadly, before taking the keys and entering the apartment.

Kyth watched her enter her apartment and smiled happily at her words to him. He was glad that fate had put him in the right place to help Aurienne out. He turned to head back to his own apartment.
Ducking into his own homestead near the village, he places the baby monster into the back of his old, half rusted truck, not bothering to tell his wife where he was going, but shouting to her to get the children to the root cellar.
Calling back to him, surprised, from their shanty, she questioned him with a toddler on her hips. " Just do it, woman, don't question me. I have to leave now, I'll be gone a few days. You need to shelter in the root cellar now!"
With that, he hopped in the rust bucket, gunning it through town down the dirt roads that lead to the port city on the coast. He knew the further he got, the less likely he would be caught. He only hoped that his wife and children made it to the shelter before those winged monsters followed the scent trail to the village.

Reaper arrived at the village with a thunderous roar as he pumped his large wings to circle the area looking for Nidhogg and her abductors before landing with a rumble of the ground as he snatched up a group of panicked humans and flung them viciously in various directions. He roared his anger before letting his acid breath fly.
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Shallow gasping breaths came from Ginger.She opened the cabinet and jumped down and raced p the steps, in her room she shifted into a human again.Racing into the next room, her mothers room.She shifted around closet before finding what she was looking for, the knife that Morgana gave her.Shifting into a cat, she held the knife in her mouth, dashing down stirs, shifting nto a girl and hearing a knock at the door.Cluching the knife, opened and read, she unlocked the door, pointing the knife at the door and swinging it open.To her shock it was her mother.She grabbed her and slammed the door shut and locked it.
"Ginger!"Casroline exclamed,"Whats he matter?!"
Ginger put her hand across her mothers mouth,"Shhh!I saw something, out the window!A white something!Something going on and I don't know what!"
Morgana stared at her dead mother.She was unsure of what to do.there was only $300 in the bedroom and she couldn't remember the code to the bank.She wouldn't even be able to stay here, the rent was tomarrow!,"We have to leave"she told Heather, fleeting the room,"Goodbye"she chocked to her mother.
Maggie awoke slowly, her shoulder bleeding again, she winced in sheering pain.
Reaper arrived at the village with a thunderous roar as he pumped his large wings to circle the area looking for Nidhogg and her abductors before landing with a rumble of the ground as he snatched up a group of panicked humans and flung them viciously in various directions. He roared his anger before letting his acid breath fly.
Slygotha swam swiftly upstream, the water churning with her effort. A monstrous torpedo, she made the journey in half the time, her young clinging to her sides. Grunting as she stepped from the water, she catiously looked about her before ushering her wyrmlings to the cave not far away in the heart of the swamp. Pulling aside the hanging vines, she hummed to them to calm their fears. Trogdor refused to leave his perch on her back, and Gugol, trying to act cool, slipped tiredly into the sleeping area to curl up like a little winged cat, nose to tail. Her slight trembling gave away her cool exterior.

The man, glancing into the rear view mirror as he sped from the village, hear the bigger creature land with a terrifying boom in the village. The echoing roars, and desperate screams of the villagers made him hope his family had sheltered in time. If he could get a connection to the exotic animal collectors, this find would set up his starving family for life, and they could afford to move to the city and live in leisure. The dust kicked up as he got further and further.

Nidhogg struggled against her bonds, unable to work herself free. She was able to drool a little acid out her snout, and the cord started hissing as it began to dissolve. If she could break the cord on her mouth, she could easily melt the bindings on her wings and legs.
(Um...sure *shrugs*)

There wasn't much to this den, just the opening they were in and the soft bed they had slept on in a depression against the back wall. There was what looked like a pillar overhead, carved with figures like what was in the bigger den, but it was more faded from being out in weather before it had fallen to help make this den. Anna woke slowly, stretching and looking to him 

Sorcha chuckled softly and nodded. She didn't want her new subjects to be harmed by her old friends and acquaintances. "Alright, are we going to take everyone at once?" She asked softly. 

Bardou reached out to her "You yourself said that they have regressed to be childlike, that in itself means they can be re-taught to survive out there. Though such a course could take time." He said gently "Even if we have to resort to using illusions to instill fear of certain plants or creatures." 


Starr nodded though she was a bit reluctant to leave a place this beautiful. "Maybe we can come back here another day with some painting supplies and try to paint it?" She asked gently.

The three kids stood up, preparing to leave when the royals were ready

Shaylee woke and groaned, moving slowly to test if she could move after that kind of attack. Ugh, she hated electricity attacks with a passion, the soreness always lasted longer than the attack. She sat up to look around herself and see where she was and what was going on now.

(Sure...if I can remember the names involved, lol)

"Morning sunshine. Did you sleep well?" Zypher asked softly. He'd shifted sometime during the night and was laying flat on his back. He glanced over to Anna from his scrutiny of the ancient drawings overhead.
Racine had intended to do that very thing. But now he wondered about whether that was a good idea or not. "What do you think, my queen? Should we only take a few to smooth over our arrival, before bringing the others? " He asked pleasantly.
Avalon brightened at Bardou's gently reminder. He always made her feel better about herself. "Thank you for being you, Bardou. I think you are the best thing I could have ever hoped for in these tough times. You reflect me in the best of light." She said softly before shifting her gaze to his. She then replied with deep respect. "And once again you are right. That would be a wonderful way to teach without causing them needless harm to them."
Falkirk smiled broadly and nodded, "That sounds delightful and I very much look forward to that." He said sincerely. He offered his hand to help her up so that they could head to the next place of interest.
Anton watched passively as Shaylee came wake. He stayed were they'd dropped him to regain his strength. "Are you alright? " He asked with concern.
(They're Foneth, Ender and Dendragon. :) )
Ender awoke sometime later and ventured out to where Foneth had told him she would be found. He was still nervous about this new form and surroundings. But he wasn't scared in any way. He felt welcomed here, so the nervousness he was still trying to figure out.

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