*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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Caroline gripped the knife in Gingers hand,"Let it go,"she ordered,"I swear. Nothing is out there, nothing at all,"
Ginger slowly released the knife, her hand trembling and sweaty, She stared at Caroline, momenteraly shocked."Maggie's Email!"she rushed up stared and jumped onto her chair witch swung around,"Woah.Dizzy!"she grasped the edge of her desk, turning on the computer and clicked her email:



Message sent:3 days ago

Ginger stared at it,"Ut never takes Maggie this long to reply......."she muttered and she hurried down stares,"Oops!"she yelped, the water on the stove was going to boil over, she quickly grabbed the spoon and stirred it Why hasn't she replied??
Morgana quickly fled the apartment, leaving her sister abandoned.She fled across the street, her silver hair flowing as she ran along the sidewalk and into the woods, gasping.There she stayed, panting Who would have murdered her?Erica is Dead.But....Owla!.....
Heather watched her sister flee,"Morgana!"she called, but her sister was gone, only leaving a soft breeze from the open window.She walked over to her mothers pale skinned bloody body,"A gun was never used, But she put up a fight,"she said softly, the creepy thought crept into her mind Who murdered her?
Maggie screeched, kicking through the bars.Her arms were scraped, She knew she must look a mess.She sighed, giving up,"You'll never get away with this!"she screeched,"Someone will find me!Someone...Find me...."she panted, feeling light headed from the loss of blood, she winced every time she moved her shoulder.
Jackie heard screaming and voices,"Maggie?"she thought.She crept around the cave, in her fox form, and peaked in.The girl inside the cage didn't look like Maggie, She was bleeding from her scraped arms and her shoulder was still dripping blood, her white TShirt was stained, and her hair was a mess But its Maggie I know it.I have to get help! the thought screamed in her head as she turned and fled.
Death cackled,"No, we are far away from the city my dear Maggie,"he growled.His shadow feathery hand flicked her chin up.
Maggie's face was grim as she kicked him away, but her foot went right through him Not surprising for a ghost
Asclepius nodded enthusiastically at Xatia. " Truly, your exotic beauty is a shining beacon in the night. I'm a little jealous that your natural shape is so small! The bulk of most dragon species is a plus in intimidation and battle, but our big bodies can be a hindrance sometimes for mundane tasks."

Xatia smiled once again at Asclepius's exuberant praise. " I find you Simpatico Asclepius. But with the ease of my smallish size, there comes all new dangers. Mainly being eaten by larger, more opportunistic individuals. But fortunately, my magic quickly shows the culprit the error of an easy meal." She admitted softly. She then looked to him with speculation. " Surely being a golden dragon, you have luster of your own. Especially being jewel encrusted." She countered reasonably.
Maxton stood to follow after Aurora, as did Aeval. "I can send a Sylph if you so desire? For added measure and your peace of mind. " He offered helpfully.

Aeval then spoke up, "Or I can go. I know we're still in training, but we've learned some control of our elements. Is that fails, we always have brute strength....oh and three heads are better than one. Pandora told me to say that."
Ravek nodded and followed Kellan over to sit down. He looked to the Alphas and Navar as Anna spoke and dipped his head in acknowledgement and greeting to them.

Zypher returned the gesture and looked back to Anna as she checked her phone. "I checked our surveillance of Menagerie and there seemed to have been some kind of dust up there. Our little bug is working well, but its still limited. There was something about burst pipes in an attempted escape. That could work in our favor or aginst it. Either busy cleaning up the mess or on high alert because of it."

"Shaylee! She's the one capable of doing that, I just know it! She's fighting them the best she can." Ravek said excitedly.
Avalon looked to Bardou with appreciation for his calm presence through this latest tribulation of her kingdom. "Yes, that is true." She admitted softly.
At Sorcha's look, he whispered softly as he opened the side door for her. "You know I'm simply stating what conclusion the people might draw."
Keira climbed up into Jason's truck and buckled in. "You know I won't let anything happen to you, right? I'm really good at stopping bullets. " She halfway teased. Since the battle of the Giant, she'd taken to being Jason's person bodyguard whether he knew it or not.
As Shaylee closed her eyes, Anton asked, "How can you sleep at a moment like this? Shouldn't you be trying to get us out?"
Ender watched tentatively from his position as Foneth and her Father said goodbye. As she and her guards came over to him, he bowed his head to each in succession of their introduction. " "It is a pleasure to meet you both." He said to them. To Foneth he stated, "That is more then was expected. I believe that should be plenty of time to conclude our business in Anstopfia." He then shifted to hold the portal stone in his hand and thought of King Racine. Instantly a portal opened in front of him.
Pyro stood by the front window sipping a hot brew the wolves had called coffee. It looked to be a decent day outside. But his mind was miles away. Aurora was headed off to battle with the cancer of the human world, Markus.
Aurora chuckled softly and looked to the others "Come if you wish, though I believe he is no danger while he is in the cell, it was warded earlier." She replied. She wouldn't mind the company, it was only after they ate that they would have to worry about moving him anyway.
Anna looked to them and dipped her head in greeting as they joined them then looked to Zypher and Ravek as they spoke. "Yes, that is very possible, though it means heightened security for us to get through to get to her." She said gently then got her food when it came out.

Kellan got his food and took a seat to eat with them. He nodded "Yes, even if they are busy with repairs, they will have put her under more security to keep her contained."
Bardou smiled and dipped his head to her then looked around again, on alert for the King or for attackers while they waited.
Sorcha sighed as she went inside, nodding a little "They do not know you as I do, that is true." She agreed, not liking that but seeing it when presented in that perspective."All the more reason to work together to end this threat, whatever it is, before it can gain a foothold."
Jason glanced to Keira as he buckled in and nodded then smiled at her "Yeah, but I am trying to bring everyone back alive if I can." He said teasingly then sobered as they started off "This is not a battle we can afford to lose, no matter who is lost in the winning of it. We have to stop him." His thoughts had turned to losing his father in the last battle.
"Right now, there is nothing I can do. I must gather my strength to try anything later:" Shaylee replied and looked to him before closing her eyes again "Besides, this iron is giving me a headache."
"Will the other side be big enough for us to go into?" Foneth asked as she looked at the portal, worrying. It would so not be a good impression to go in and break a wall from sheer size by the three of them coming in.
Estelle came over to Pyro and looked up at him then out at the view "Mother will be alright." She said faithfully. "She always returns to me"

Chevez squawked the radio feed from his helicopter to their ground team. He'd been circling the area and hadn't found anything. "Come in Echo-one. We seem to have reports of acid burned villagers pouring out on a rural roadway about....thirty clicks from here. What do you say we check it out?"
"This is Echo-one" Came the answer from the ground team. "Roger, we are ready to move out. We will check these reports along the way." The ground unit would soon be on the road, following the trail of the dragon back along the route to the swamp
Xatia smiled once again at Asclepius's exuberant praise. " I find you Simpatico Asclepius. But with the ease of my smallish size, there comes all new dangers. Mainly being eaten by larger, more opportunistic individuals. But fortunately, my magic quickly shows the culprit the error of an easy meal." She admitted softly. She then looked to him with speculation. " Surely being a golden dragon, you have luster of your own. Especially being jewel encrusted." She countered reasonably.

"Well, when one engages in conversation with the fairer sex, a male would tend to downplay his own merits in order to lift she who he is conversing," countered Asclepius playfully.
Aurora chuckled softly and looked to the others "Come if you wish, though I believe he is no danger while he is in the cell, it was warded earlier." She replied. She wouldn't mind the company, it was only after they ate that they would have to worry about moving him anyway.
Anna looked to them and dipped her head in greeting as they joined them then looked to Zypher and Ravek as they spoke. "Yes, that is very possible, though it means heightened security for us to get through to get to her." She said gently then got her food when it came out.

Kellan got his food and took a seat to eat with them. He nodded "Yes, even if they are busy with repairs, they will have put her under more security to keep her contained."

Bardou smiled and dipped his head to her then looked around again, on alert for the King or for attackers while they waited.


Sorcha sighed as she went inside, nodding a little "They do not know you as I do, that is true." She agreed, not liking that but seeing it when presented in that perspective."All the more reason to work together to end this threat, whatever it is, before it can gain a foothold." 

Jason glanced to Keira as he buckled in and nodded then smiled at her "Yeah, but I am trying to bring everyone back alive if I can." He said teasingly then sobered as they started off "This is not a battle we can afford to lose, no matter who is lost in the winning of it. We have to stop him." His thoughts had turned to losing his father in the last battle.
"Right now, there is nothing I can do. I must gather my strength to try anything later:" Shaylee replied and looked to him before closing her eyes again "Besides, this iron is giving me a headache." 


"Will the other side be big enough for us to go into?" Foneth asked as she looked at the portal, worrying. It would so not be a good impression to go in and break a wall from sheer size by the three of them coming in. 


Estelle came over to Pyro and looked up at him then out at the view "Mother will be alright." She said faithfully. "She always returns to me" 


"This is Echo-one" Came the answer from the ground team. "Roger, we are ready to move out. We will check these reports along the way." The ground unit would soon be on the road, following the trail of the dragon back along the route to the swamp

Maxton nodded and said politely, "I'd love to. Thank you for the invitation to assist."

Aeval frowned slightly at Aurora's answer before she laughed. The misconception becoming clear. "Aurora, I was talking about heading out to help guard the cabin. " She clarified.
Zypher mulled Kellan's statement over. That's the one thing they didn't need. They had to get to Shaylee before Markus could use her aginst them.

Navar picked a few items from the platters Nashton and Aurelius had set out in the center of the table. "But not if we take over the surveillance and security rooms. That way, we'll have the eyes and ears, while and they'll be blind to us." He replied matter-of-factly.

Zypher nodded slightly." That could very well work. But we first have to get there undetected. Any suggestions? " He asked their assembled group.

"I'm not familiar with any other level other then the one I was housed on." Ravek replied honestly.

Aurelius offered helpfully, "Between Xavier and Kristen's collaboration, we've pretty much made up a rough blueprint of the various floors. In fact he's finishing them up as we speak." She then refilled both Anna and Zypher's coffee.
"No truer words have ever been uttered. Often insurrections and martyrdom go hand-in-hand. Sometimes it's pivotal in achieving said foothold. One act can spark another or vice versa. And once a cause is has become impassioned, its very seldom easily vanquished. But enough speculation, I'm anxious to get to the root of this devastating disaster."Racine conversed privately as the made their way to Avalon.

Avalon glanced to Sorcha and Racine as the came into view. The dread at what awaited them in the dungeon finally growing in strength.

Several other Sylphs, including Castiel arrived as well. They were grim faced, for having seen the aftermath.
Keira appreciated Jason teasing and heartfelt words. He mind also went to the heavy losses they'd already had. He was right, they had to win or die trying. "Agreed " She said simply.
"But Shaylee, I'm afraid to be alone. You have to stay awake and talk to me. I've been alone for so long. I thought you cared about me?" Anton said with desperate neediness.
(Good catch. I forgot they can't shift. ;) )
Ender paused at the stupidity of his lack of foresight. "Why did I not think of that? " he chastised himself. He stepped away and the portal closed. He walked back over to the crystalline like and conjured a gazing pool in the shallows to find the current whereabouts of King Racine. To his dismay, he found him inside Avalon's castle walking down a hallway. "He's inside the castle. We'll have to wait until he goes outside. We'll just have to watch him until he does. " Ender stated as he sat down upon a rock to do so.
Pyro turned to look to Estelle. "It is good to have that certainty. But I wasn't worried. " He lied.
" 10-4, Echo-one. I'm headed out to scout that swamp to see if I can find that poacher's boat. I'll keep you informed of our progress. Hawkeye out!" Chevez said as he followed the coordinates given to him.
"Well, when one engages in conversation with the fairer sex, a male would tend to downplay his own merits in order to lift she who he is conversing," countered Asclepius playfully.

"Ah, but if said downplayed attributes is what is ultimately appealing to the fairer sex you so eloquently speak of, then you would be doing yourself an injustice, would you not?" Xatia replied equally playful. It had been a long time since anyone had treated her as anything other than a warrior. She found his flirting whimsically endearing.
Maxton nodded and said politely, "I'd love to. Thank you for the invitation to assist."

Aeval frowned slightly at Aurora's answer before she laughed. The misconception becoming clear. "Aurora, I was talking about heading out to help guard the cabin. " She clarified.
Zypher mulled Kellan's statement over. That's the one thing they didn't need. They had to get to Shaylee before Markus could use her aginst them.

Navar picked a few items from the platters Nashton and Aurelius had set out in the center of the table. "But not if we take over the surveillance and security rooms. That way, we'll have the eyes and ears, while and they'll be blind to us." He replied matter-of-factly.

Zypher nodded slightly." That could very well work. But we first have to get there undetected. Any suggestions? " He asked their assembled group.

"I'm not familiar with any other level other then the one I was housed on." Ravek replied honestly.

Aurelius offered helpfully, "Between Xavier and Kristen's collaboration, we've pretty much made up a rough blueprint of the various floors. In fact he's finishing them up as we speak." She then refilled both Anna and Zypher's coffee.
"No truer words have ever been uttered. Often insurrections and martyrdom go hand-in-hand. Sometimes it's pivotal in achieving said foothold. One act can spark another or vice versa. And once a cause is has become impassioned, its very seldom easily vanquished. But enough speculation, I'm anxious to get to the root of this devastating disaster."Racine conversed privately as the made their way to Avalon.

Avalon glanced to Sorcha and Racine as the came into view. The dread at what awaited them in the dungeon finally growing in strength.

Several other Sylphs, including Castiel arrived as well. They were grim faced, for having seen the aftermath.
Keira appreciated Jason teasing and heartfelt words. He mind also went to the heavy losses they'd already had. He was right, they had to win or die trying. "Agreed " She said simply.
"But Shaylee, I'm afraid to be alone. You have to stay awake and talk to me. I've been alone for so long. I thought you cared about me?" Anton said with desperate neediness.
(Good catch. I forgot they can't shift.
Ender paused at the stupidity of his lack of foresight. "Why did I not think of that? " he chastised himself. He stepped away and the portal closed. He walked back over to the crystalline like and conjured a gazing pool in the shallows to find the current whereabouts of King Racine. To his dismay, he found him inside Avalon's castle walking down a hallway. "He's inside the castle. We'll have to wait until he goes outside. We'll just have to watch him until he does. " Ender stated as he sat down upon a rock to do so.
Pyro turned to look to Estelle. "It is good to have that certainty. But I wasn't worried. " He lied.
" 10-4, Echo-one. I'm headed out to scout that swamp to see if I can find that poacher's boat. I'll keep you informed of our progress. Hawkeye out!" Chevez said as he followed the coordinates given to him.
(Rearranging to get people together later, lol)
Anna nodded, listening to them as she ate her meal and thought about possible solutions "Maybe an invisibility spell for whoever goes in first?" She asked then shrugged. They did have magic this time around. "Either that or let Fay take over that room when she goes to remove those wall markings?" She was building on Navar's suggestion
Jason nodded and watched the road as they went to the rendezvous point. They would wait for Anna and Zypher once they arrived
(and he can fade out until they get there, lol)
Aurora blushed a little and nodded then shook her head "They will need everyone's strength for this fight, I will have to trust the wolves and Pyro to take care of them." She said and made her plate then looked to them again "I do thank you for the offer though." She said before heading for the door
Sorcha looked to Avalon, giving her friend a small smile as they came together then glancing around "What has happened?" She asked privately, not wanting anyone to overhear them if they were listening.
Shaylee looked to him again and frowned a little, raising up on one arm "I am going nowhere Anton, and I do care about you." She said with confusion in her tone. She reached out a hand to him "I will not leave you alone." Maybe she should try taking some energy from him, if only to combat the weakness she felt from the lack of water and the high iron around them? She didn't like that idea though, even if she was hurting from it. Electricity always took water away, and it hadn't been replenished yet, which was one reason she was hurting so soon.
Foneth sighed and moved to sit down nearby him, looking at the gazing pool. "This amulet has to open the portal to where King Racine is? You cannot change where it goes to?" She had to ask, it was strange magic to her.

Pendragon chuckled softly and came forward "Change where you are looking with that spell, look outside the castle" He instructed Ender.
Estelle looked to him and tilted her head a little "Is this one of those I'm young so I shouldn't worry things?" She asked after a moment. "She is my mother, I worry for her health, but I know she will return to me one way or another."
"Roger, Echo-one out" Came the reply as the trucks sped down the road to the first town, slowing to assess the damage when they reached it and to see if the dragon or any other 'wanted' creatures were around before they would move closer to the swamps.
Caroline set down her bag of stuff,"Any reply from Maggie?"she asked.
"Uh.uh."Ginger stuttered,"Uh nope!"she said quickly and then pertended to be busy.
Maggie gasped, her knife fell out f her pocket Since when has that been in there? She stretched through the cage bars, barley grasping it as she pulled it towards her. But the cage is metal, it won't work! She thought Or will it? She scraped the bottom of the cage with the knife, it only made a horrible sound like nails on a chalk bored, she winced at the sounds. Useless.She Shook the cage hard. The rope on top started to loosen from we're it was hung on a hook at the top of the cave Were does he get this stuff?I don't care as long as I get out! The rope broke, and the cage fell to the ground with a loud bang, Maggie held her breath, Death had gone.Sheclimped the crisscross bars out and kicked the top open.She quickly jumped out and fled Faster. faster you need tofind aomeone

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