High Fructose Corn Syrup & Mercury

Mexico, too, last I checked. In the U.S., you pretty much have to stock up around Passover time, when the "kosher" Coke is on the shelves!

I'm a serious Coca-Cola addict, but honestly, if you get OFF the stuff, you can almost then use it occasionally like a drug, for when you're headachey (or I can, anyway).

Yup. If I have a headache I will grab one from the local store.
It is strictly a "treat" around here. My daughter prefers plain ole tap water. I try to drink tea or milk. Maybe a pure fruit juice
Rhett&SarahsMom :

Yup. If I have a headache I will grab one from the local store.
It is strictly a "treat" around here. My daughter prefers plain ole tap water. I try to drink tea or milk. Maybe a pure fruit juice

For years and years, I kept the a carton of the tiny 8oz. glass bottles in the back of my refrigerator "for medicinal purposes." Those little glass bottles were the last holdout of bottling the stuff with real sugar in it (no longer the case), so they tasted better. And they were so ridiculously overpriced compared to the other options, that I was able to reserve them for "emergencies." But then I got married, and never could train my husband to observe the sanctity of my refrigerated medicine chest. I don't even know how many times I yelled at him, "But you don't drink THESE 'because you're THIRSTY!' "​
Here's the link to an interview with Michael Pollen.
You can play it on one window and scroll byc wih the other

This really helped me to understand how our available foods are managed by lobbyists and big industry. And healthiful foods that are bodies are made to digest aren't big money making items. Processed foods do make money for their manufacturers. So they get commercials and pretty labels and advertisement companies hired to sell these products.

I plan on buying as much local produce as possible next year as well as growing a huge garden on my fathers farm. We will all get together in the fall to can just like women did back in the day. The only difference is now Hubby's gonna help if he wants to eat!!!

We also have local farmers that sell poultry, beef, and pork. They are small time and have no need to use hormones or anitbiotics and we're supporting local farmers while we enjoy their healthy food.
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I think high fructose corn syrup is in almost every thing you buy any more.One of my GD's usually stops by Micky D's on her way home rather than cook, and her dau won' eat anything except mac & cheese, other GD feeds Katie organic and she will eat almost anything.lst GD VERY much overweight, second very skinny, 1st buys junk, second cooks everything from scratch.One DIL feeds just organic, all very slender & healthy, Other never cooks, son has HBP, Heart conditions, good relationship with local hospital. So I Know the difference the right food does. can't hardly wait until spring to plant my garden.Almost everyone I have talked to around here had a bad year last year in their gardens, Hope this year is better.I Plan to do a LOT of praying over this years garden.
Pollen's The Omnivore's Dilemma is a great read. The film "King Corn" explains a lot about why there are so many corn products in America. If there's not corn in the food, there's corn in the packaging. There's just too much corn, so folks are always trying to find a new way to use it up.
I still fall back on the recipe from an old copy of The Farm (longtime veg commune in TN) Cookbook, for "Soft Sandwich Buns." You can make and freeze them, and they're really nice.
I have a friend who is the manager of a bakery outlet store. She has about 100 different varieties of bread. Guess how many types have NO HFCS???

Come on...

Did you guess yet?

No, it's not zero....but that is close.



I know because I read every stinking label trying to find a brand without HFCS. Then I eventually gave up bread and didn't have to worry about it anymore
I think the biggest problem is the people that need to read this thread won't even click on it while the ones who are interested in this stuff, doesn't really need this thread. My mother once commented on how you never see an overweight person running along side the road. People are just set in their ways and it's hard to break away from that. That's why it's so important to start this with young children before it becomes a cycle.

I was always a very thin girl. we grew up on a farm, ate healthy and worked hard. I then got married and became a stay-at-home mom and I blew up. Im still struggling with weight issues but I think Im healthy and Im trying. My sister is responsible for giving me the nudge I needed. When I was pregnant and suffering from galll bladder issues after pounding a pint of ice cream
she slowly started on me. by the time she got to "We aren't vaccinating our children", I was shocked. It was so different to think this way. But it all started to make sense. My son has had a cold but never an ear infection or anything serious. He eats asparagus at 2! and my husband (who's never even tried fish before) is now in love with every dish I make. We haven't had fast food (except for the occasional chick-fil-a so Wyatt can play with the other kids) in over 2 years. It's definitely a bad habit that needs to be kicked.

edited to say: Wifezilla, california bread co. makes all organic bread. They carry it at most grocery stores. Trouble is where I live in WV, it's always stale cause no one else buys it!!
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