High Fructose Corn Syrup & Mercury

Is this even legal? I'm really asking here. I thought that it was mandatory for children to be vaccinated for certain things and if you didn't you could get in lots of trouble, including from CPS for neglect.
I was always a very thin girl. we grew up on a farm, ate healthy and worked hard.

I was always chubby, and was raised on Koolaid, boxed cereals, Kraft Mac & Cheese and processed meats. Mom got in to Weight Watchers in the 70's and we were switched from whole milk and butter (probably the most nutritious food we were eating) to skim milk and oleo.

No wonder I ended up obese with high blood pressure. Thank goodness I discovered low carb. My head isn't ready to explode anymore and my weight is going down.​
That's exactly what Im talking about. You are made to believe it is mandatory because herd immunity is extremely beneficial to us as a whole. While, indiviually, not every child should be vaccinnated. There are new studies every day that suggest some very horrible neurological effects are caused by vaccines as well as food additives like HFCS. You can actually "opt out" by using a form available by the CDC or you board of education. you can opt out for medical, or religious reasoning. I spent months online, at the library, asking medical professionals and what I found out not only horrified me but made me realize no one cares for my kid like I do and Im not going to inject him with known neurotoxins like heavy metals so I can conform. What was really funny, was to find out the doctor who was required to ask me every time my son goes to the doctor, is actually more holistic than I assumed. More and more people are understanding why we've made this decision and Im getting less
of this all the time.

The saying is "educate before you vaccinate" and I believe in this. If you live in a household with older shool aged children and they attend a school where some of these disease have sprung up, it may be beneficial for you to vaccinate but do your homework. It's your health. We may selectively vaccinate in the future but I don't think there is a need for the chicken pox vaccine or the flu shot or polio... (polio has been wiped from this country for over 30 years.) If you plan on vacationing somewhere in a 3rd world country, maybe you should consider it.

Merck is a big money making manufacturer that makes billions of dollars everytime it adds a new vaccine to the regiment. With this kind of money at stake, there are lots of people lobbying to have these shots seem mandatory but they cannot make you do it like they cannot make me believe McDonald's won't give me heart failure.

edited to say: Im not saying autism is caused by vaccines. No one knows what causes it as well as ADHD and other childhood neuroligical problems that have manifested in more recent years. But I do know that the natural way is usually the best and I've seen first hand how vaccinations to my 2 lb. frenchie puppy totally corrupted her immune system and she is allergic to everything to the point we must keep her medicated half of the year and keep her on special food and allergen-free shampoos. I think of infant vaccinations as an attack on a childs' undeveloped immune system. There isn't enough long term studies to prove that this is safe.
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My friends all ask me how I eat so much and am so skinny... I guess it's because I eat organic and free range (no, free-range probably doesn't have anything to do with it but personal satisfaction).

I may be underweight but I can lift a 50-pound bale of shavings (for the chickens or horses) or muck stalls no problem!
Thank you MsBear. I really didn't know. I don't get any vaccinations b/c now that I'm an adult it's a personal choice.

That is good information to know, it's too bad more parents don't know that.
Although people do get set in their ways, I don't agree that people who are interested don't need this thread. For example, I know that HFCS is bad for me and I've tried to limit it, but just a bit. But knowing that there is mercury in the stuff
brings it to an entirely different level. The difference between having a naughty treat and taking poison, namely. This has definitely tipped me over the edge, and while it may be hard to break people away from their habits, it's certainly not impossible .

Is this even legal? I'm really asking here. I thought that it was mandatory for children to be vaccinated for certain things and if you didn't you could get in lots of trouble, including from CPS for neglect.

It's not mandatory, although they will try to make yo think so. There are always religious exemptions and waivers, but you will likely be challenged at every step of the way so be prepared.
Ok so I am starting to pay more attention to what I eat. I have discovered the organic meals at the grocery store called Amy's. I love them and I do not think they have anything that is not organic in them. Are they as good as I think they are or am I being duped?

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