Hillsboro Ohio: Bielefelder rooster, and bielefelder mixed breed 9 week old chicks! 2 australorp hens as well.

Sunshine Chick

9 Years
Jul 17, 2014
Hillsboro Ohio
I am moving to Dayton, and I won’t be able to bring my chickens with me. I must either sell them, or eat them. I’ve got 4 1/2 weeks (until October 14) to re-home most of them, before I’ll have to process them for meat. I’d really rather see them go to a good home since most of them are still so young.

The rooster is an uncommon breed, and the best rooster I’ve ever had, so it seems a pity to just eat him. I call him Scarecrow. He’s good at keeping order in the flock, friendly to the girls and babies, and won’t hesitate to sound an alarm call or attack anyone/thing that is threatening his girls. He never attacks people unless his hens freak out and act like they’re being attacked. At one time he was head over 25-30 of them, and managed them well. He’s very strong; he’s fought and earned his place as top rooster in the flock. He is able to fertilize over a dozen hens. I think he successfully serviced 20 this year, if I remember correctly. He’s around 2 years old.

His babies are a mix of bielefelder, like him, and Plymouth Rock, black mystic onyx, and australorp. Mostly Plymouth rock. One female chick’s mother is an unknown mix, but she looks more like a bielefelder than she does her mother. I have 10 total, 9 weeks old. I am willing to care for them until their gender is known for sure, so someone doesn’t end up with unwanted roosters. I can raise the roosters for meat, but it seems a waste to eat the young hens when they’re nearly halfway to laying age already.

I have 2 australorp hens. The youngest one is a year old. She just started laying this Spring. She’s smart and bold, and is among the first to come when I call.

The older one went broody this year, and raised those 10 chicks. She was an excellent mother. She stopped taking care of them a week or two ago. I believe she’s 2 years old.

Scarecrow the rooster is $20.
The babies are currently $12 each. I’m guessing I’ll have 4-6 little hens, and I should know their gender for sure in a couple of weeks. As they get older, the price will go up.

The australorp hens are both $30 each.

None have been vaccinated, but all are healthy and strong. We have had issues with illness in the past due to overcrowding, and poor living conditions from their past owner. Scaly leg mite, and coccidiosis were the two main culprits, but there have been others. One of the 9 1/2 week old pullets did get sick and need treatment for coccidiosis, but otherwise none of the birds I’m selling have ever gotten sick.

Even so, I am willing to treat for both right before re-homing them if requested.

If you have any questions regarding past illness, or anything else, please feel free to ask!


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