hinkjc--- I got eggs

Now that's funny...
Wait til you see what she's got coming. Im not supposed to say, but I could never keep a secret...

She has some lime green Orps that GLOW IN THE DARK!!!!

She has some EE's that lay striped eggs!

And she has silkies with cornrows!!!

she's amazing....

Don't give me any ideas.

In response to your earlier post, I'd like to offer one heartfelt "Huzzah!" heralding the arrival of my hatching eggs last Friday, right on schedule, AND with 0% breakage!
Let's see, that means that tomorrow is day 4 in the Hova-bator, so we've got two & a-half weeks to determine how my little hopefuls survived our Northeast winter temps.
Very pleased... *sigh, already "bonding" with the cutest little blue ones, as we are in the habit of turning them three times a day. Got a dozen RIR's in with them, from a kindly neighbor, so hopefully we will have occasion to "pass out the Ceegars!" by Day Twenty-something!
Many Thanks!

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