His cardboard sign simply said "Just Hungry"

Good for you Debi. You helped someone in need.
We should all be willing to help, BUT, I too have been watching a "homeless" man for at least 5 years stand out at the freeway exit by my house with his sign. I also see him every day walk into the liquor store and come out with a large bag.
Later that day he's weaving and wobbling up the street.
I also see him go into the apartment building up the street everyday. I often wonder if this is his apartment. Is he scamming everyone?
This isn't to say NOT to help people, I just try to give food, not money. That way there not spending my hard earned cash on booze or drugs.

It's a sick, sick world when some people fake needing help so that other people don't want to help those who are truly in need.

I don't give money to people with signs, either, because I am suspicious of their motives.
Follow your heart hun. Rgardless of what others say or whether or not he was *truly* in need is irrelevant. What matters is God spoke to you today and you felt it deep inside.
Henry'schickens :

Sometimes I'm leary of those with signs. There are places to go that feed the needy. I have been told that those people at intersections make a ton of $$ just holding up a sign. I just wanted you to know that.
This is a fact, I have seen the same man at a Wal-mart intersection numerous times and across the street is a McDonald's hiring. Figure that one out for me.

It is great that we do have people like you out there that care.

I have to disagree with this. In my area, there are no homeless outreach programs, or anything of that nature. There aren't even any battered womens' shelters. I imagine, if someone were in desperate need a church might help them (if they could find the ones in charge), but there isn't really any place for someone to go to get a hot, free meal.

Even if he was a scammer, you did what you thought was right. If he really needed it, you'll both be blessed, if not, well, at least there is a blessing on the way for you
Your heart will tell you when it's real or not... sounds like your heart knew that there something here that needed to be done. We are God's hands in this world! And don't cheat yourself out of your blessing! God is big enough to bless both of ya! So... Be Blessed! That was a simple, small, yet wonderful, huge act of Christ!
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This is why I only give food. We ALL need to eat. I saw a young man once that was just sitting against a brick wall, filthy. I bought him a cooked chicken, when he looked up, he was one of my son's friends, whose parents threw him out. I had a houseguest for a few days - that was a freaky experience.
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Henry'schickens :

Sometimes I'm leary of those with signs. There are places to go that feed the needy. I have been told that those people at intersections make a ton of $$ just holding up a sign. I just wanted you to know that.
This is a fact, I have seen the same man at a Wal-mart intersection numerous times and across the street is a McDonald's hiring. Figure that one out for me.

It is great that we do have people like you out there that care.

There is a similar man in my area, a younger guy in his early thirties, he is there every single time we go to this shopping center, and it has a safeway, several fast food joints, a video store, all good places to get a job with little experience. The first time I saw him I dug out all my change and walked over and gave it to him. When I got back to my car, I was watching him and from behind him he pulled out a large pizza and started eating! I felt as though I'd been seriously had!

There is another man who I always see nearby a similar shopping center, he hangs out right beside a PetSmart so we go there often for kitty litter and stuff. He is always there, without fail, sitting on the curb completely engrossed in a little red bible. It just seems too obvious. He is a healthy looking man in his thirties who looks to be in good shape, and there is no shortage of construction labour jobs around here. In the winter he has a big warm coat. I just don't trust him. There are plenty of drug addicts around here, it is hard to believe that any of them are actually hungry.

I used to have a big soft heart for the street people holding signs, but after realizing how many druggies and crackheads there are around here, it's doubtful that any of them are truly people in need.
I have also offered just food, and one of the responses has been "no, not hungry, but I am thirsty!"

Whenever its a young guy I don't trust him, but I am much more sympathetic and will give if it is an elderly man. It is the old homeless men who need it so much more rather than a young guy who can get a good labour job.​
I used to work at a homeless shelter as a night monitor and in the food pantry. Restaurants used to give us left over food, but the health department shut that down. They'd rather people go hungry than risk the slight chance of food poisoning. I don't know if this is the law everywhere, but it was here at that time I worked there. It is a shame how much food we Americans throw out while people here in our own country are starving or lacking a proper healthy diet.

You do have to be careful about the guys on the corner. I agree that you should bring them food or a gift cert. to a McDonald's or whatever. Many work a circuit and are not genuine.

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