His cardboard sign simply said "Just Hungry"

I was once, not recently, on vacation in Ca. and I gave a man on the corner a beer and he was very grateful. Yes, best just to give food not money, because there are the wino's out there and thats what they will spend your money on.
I agree. Whether he was deserving is not relevant-the act of kindness is!
On another note, I was coming home a month ago and passed a man at an intersection holding a sign that said "Don't want to lie-I need a drink"

I know it shouldn't be, but gosh dang it!!
Thanks to all for your responses i appreciate all the kind words.

This man spoke to my heart in so many ways from his simple sign to the look of appreciation on his face.
I could not pass him by and whatever he spent the $10 dollars on is between him and God.
I saw another living breathing soul that needed me to show him somebody cared.

Bless all here who have given in whatever form it may be "Thank You"
These situations always pull at my heart strings. I think your intentions were good and as was said what his intentions with the money is between him and God. Someone mentioned going with them to the store or gas station. PLEASE no one EVER do that. A woman in my state was just raped last month by a homeless man that she gave a ride to. From my understanding she had helped him out in the past. The majority of people living on the streets are suffering from one form of mental illness or another and/or drug dependency's. Both very unpredictable.
I have found this thread and some similar ones very interesting in terms of the responses. As a nation, we tend to be an independent lot that generally believes that everyone should be able to support themselves or at least make a very determined effort. Christian believers as a subset of that nation are definitely asked to show compassion without the expectation of anything in return. Some of course will disagree with this idea; the Gospel teaching of Christ are clear to not place much emphasis on the retention of material possessions but to use them for the benefit of others.

You did the right thing because your heart was moved to a compassionate response for another human being. It will be the right thing to do tomorrow also. There's a great devotional book by Oswald Chambers titled "My Utmost for His Highest". In other words, have I given it my all.

These threads are so good to have here, the above may sound preachy but actually I am going over my day and I failed doing the above. The goal remains the same for tomorrow.
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I used to give money to people on the street but it seems that most of the people on the street are scammers. People who are really in need will go to a shelter or local organization for help.

What I do is to make a monthly donation to a number of charities. That way I know there are at least some resources available to people. I also support local food banks, etc.

I have to say that all the holy self-righteousness here is kind of annoying. Like only Christians care about their fellow humans. I've found that many conservative Christians are the worst when it comes to lack of compassion for the poor.
You being new and all, I have a feeling you didn't read the rules, and clicked the accept button. We all did it when we started. I encourage you to go read them, because theyare strictly enforced here at BYC. And
I think you definately did the right thing. Ten dollars isn't going to make or break the average person, I mean, at least not for more than a few minutes. Helping someone in need is a great thing and I think people are often much too cynical. I visited Puerto Rico when I was in high school and I saw the most pitiful person I have ever seen in my life. He was a middle aged to older man standing on the steps of a church. He was crying and sobbing. He had no sign and said nothing. When I looked down I saw an image that haunts me to this day. His entire forearm was an open wound wrapped in the dirtiest rags I've ever seen. It was bloody and full of discharge that spelled infection. As I stood there, flabbergasted desperately digging in my pockets for money, he just cried and cried. It ripped my heart right out of me. My teacher tried to pull me away but I had to do something! I gave him whatever money in my pocket hoping to help him in some way- I did get a long speech for it too, but I didn't care. I walked away crying and in pain for this man. I still, to this day, think of him. I can't imagine what he was going through. I feel great compassion for these people, even if they are drug users or drunks. You have to think that, at one point, life was semi normal. What went wrong? What a miserable life? Most of us couldn't imagine what it would feel like. The world needs to have a little more sympathy, and furthermore, empathy.
Come on, please don't get this locked over petty comments. She is sharing a moving story, not trying to start an arguement. It seems, that these threads turn ugly over nothing. Just let it be. Be the bigger person. We are all adults here, no need for this. I don't think it is necessary, it's plain juvenile. I have seen it over and over on here. Most of the time, someone just decides to take something personally that was not personal at all. Please just leave it alone.

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