His cardboard sign simply said "Just Hungry"

My mom worked at a gas station and one day there was a man begging for money so he can eat... a lady went and bought him three hunnybuns and gave them to the man... he threw them in the garbage and walked off gripping...apparently he wanted the money for beer..
I know not everyone is like that... and I try to help when I can....but sometimes you wonder
I think it is your motive that really matters- not theirs. Giving builds character, and what goes around DOES come around. I try to help people when I can, though not often as I should. My family has been in a finacial crunch since the economy has went downhill. I was coming down the interstate one day from working out of town. My gas thing had said 0 miles to empty for more than 5 minutes. I knew I didn't have any money but I stopped off in a nearby town to check anyways- I was going to run out of gas if I didn't. I was about 45 minutes from home. On top of not having any money, I had forgotten my credit card too. I dug out what change I could find. It came up to a little more than a dollar in mostly nickels and pennies- the gross dirty ones that you never wanna spend. Head tucked, I walking into the store to give the clerk the change hoping to god that it would at least get me to town where someone I know could possibly meet me. It was a homey little country store- my favorite. There was a very outgoing man standing at the counter waiting on food, goofing off with the clerk, I could tell he was a regular. Reluctantly, I put the change on the counter. The man looked at my embarrassed face and smiled. He said, "Honey, do you need some gas money to get home?"- with that he laid a ten dollar bill on the counter. Then said, " Give this young lady some gas." All I could do was burst into tears. I cried all the way home. That man didn't have all the money in the world, he was dirty from a hard days work, maybe in construction. That ten dollars rocked my world that day. He will never know how much gratitude I have for him. I have chills right now thinking about it, I get a little teary eyed. I believe that in his time of need, someone will be there to help him out. Never forget the power of Karma.
I gotta tell you guys about this kid that tried to scam me...wow.

I was out working in the yard one day back when I lived in town..nice little starter neighborhood full of new homes, nice people, blah blah blah. Anyway, this group of boys walks by on the sidewalk...three or four of them, maybe 8-10 years old.

The little jerk pack leader stops and sharply says "Hey" kinda loudly, to get my attention. Not, "Sir? or "Excuse me, mister?"......just "Hey."

Kid continues "You got sumthin I can do for fi' dollars? Mama needs medicine for the baby." Totally contrived...kid's not even trying to feign any sense of hardship, and he clearly isn't interested in doing any work for his "fi' dollars."

I said, "No, I've pretty well got it covered."

Kid goes "Oh.....well, you got fi'dollars?"

I almost had a stroke.

I was like "What??!?" and he reiterates that mama needs medicine for the baby. The look on my face must have been enough to signal that I wasn't buying it, so before I could even respond he turned to his pals and just waved forward to signal "Let's go."

And off they went.

I was absolutely stunned.
here's a way to help people without getting scammed

I'm not saying the OP did a wrong thing giving someone money, but there are opportunities to do this every day for people that are actually trying to do something for themselves rather than ask for a handout. If someone is hungry, give them food, not money.

you see somebody in need that's not asking for anything and help them

pay for someone that's behind you in line at the store
see a young couple starting out, give them a gift card for the grocery store
donate nice clothing to a women's shelter or homeless shelter
see a middle age person at the gas station in a fast food uniform buying gas for a junkie car.. buy their gas for them
ask the local food bank for the needs of a family and sponsor them for the year
volunteer your time (one post suggested habitate for humanity)

give a hand up not a hand out!
This may be already on here, don't have time to read the entire thread. But here's my thought, the bible says in Matthew 25:40 "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me" and in Proverbs 19:17 "One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the LORD, And He will repay him for his good deed."

I feel, I may get taken on this world a few times, but I may also really be a blessing to someone in need. If I see someone and I feel strongly that I should help, I do. And I try not to question what they will do with the money. That is a weight on their conscience not mine.
Years ago, a young lady was walking through the rain on the side of the road. Cars sped by, ignoring her. The next exit, the soonest location that there might be a phone to call for a tow for her broken down vehicle was about 10 miles ahead.

One car started to pass, then slammed on it's brakes and pulled over to the side, reversing until it was only a few feet ahead.

The man inside was obviously foreign, barely even managing broken English as he tried to assure the young lady that it was safe, he would give her a ride. Though lots of people had tried to convince the young lady that men from this country were unsafe and could not be trusted, she got in the car.

He took her to the nearest exist, and drove around with her until they located a working payphone. He was unwilling to just drive off, so he took the young lady inside a nearby restaurant and paid for a hot meal for each of them while they waited for the tow truck. She thanked him for his aid, he responded 'BarakAllahu feekum', and they both went on their way.

Guardian angels come in all varieties.

Helping others is part of the message of Christ, and as most of the folks on these boards are in predominately Christian countries, it's safe to say most of them are Christian. Naturally, they will put it in the terms they are most comfortable with and state that 'helping your fellow man is the Christian thing to do'.

Perhaps it would be better to say that helping your neighbor is the human thing to do, and something we should all strive for, regardless of what house of worship we may or may not attend.

Sadly though, there will be those who fall short of this ideal. Let us be the better people, and not judge everyone by the stereotypes provided by the few.

If I had, I'd have been stuck walking ten miles in the rain at night.
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Helping others is part of the message of Christ, and as most of the folks on these boards are in predominately Christian countries, it's safe to say most of them are Christian. Naturally, they will put it in the terms they are most comfortable with and state that 'helping your fellow man is the Christian thing to do'.

Perhaps it would be better to say that helping your neighbor is the human thing to do, and something we should all strive for, regardless of what house of worship we may or may not attend.

Sadly though, there will be those who fall short of this ideal. Let us be the better people, and not judge everyone by the stereotypes provided by the few.

If I had, I'd have been stuck walking ten miles in the rain at night.

Your story really touched my heart. I do try to help people when I have the opportunity. I sometimes make a meal for some of the families that I know near us. Sometimes they are really in need, other times, they are just struggling with depression and need a lift. It always makes me feel good, it helps them out, and it gets my mind off of my own problems for awhile.

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