His cardboard sign simply said "Just Hungry"

There are two reasons to discuss religious beliefs, especially via a forum. The first pertains to how we treat each other in the here and now. To love others as ourselves looks great in print; it is very difficult to actually pull off without Divine intervention in our lives. We can debate what love is in terms of those that ask our help and the situational events till....; the question remains is there an element of love for the other person or not in how we think of him or her.

The second reason for the discussion is there are kids and adults alike that have had little or no exposure to the Good News of Jesus. If you take note of most of the non-technical posts on this site, most are of people that are in distress or hurting in some aspect or another. By all means, let them decide in random ramblings if there is something more to explore, in some cases a chicken forum may be the only context wherein the time is right to ask.
Jesus loved all uncondionally........even crack heads who refuse work! SELFLESS acts of love. and just to note.............i am not christian

love is different than enabling.

he changed water to wine and made fish appear... He could have told them to make their own and go fishing and get their own fish. Frankly i would have made them get their own fish............blah blah blah
and yes, always use caution! People are crazy!
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all of that is great..but i bet jesus would totally not give money to a crack head or a bum that refused to work.

You like to gamble - I can tell. Well, you would lose that bet too but I don't want to quote scripture all night long....but.....how about the one about not judging others?

Here it is for those who may not know:

.( Mat 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. Mat 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Mat 7:3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Mat 7:4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Mat 7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. )

See, in this story He's telling people they better be very right with God and perfect in every way before they judge someone else - because that's His job.

actually, we dont gamble. all i am saying is that you can use scripture to support any ideas that you may have. that and i still think jesus would never go for enabling drunkards and bums. he would probably make them get up and get a job, or something. jesus isnt one to take crap from anyone and if someone were to approach him with some lame story that was obviously a lie, i bet he would be dealt with pretty quick.
You like to gamble - I can tell. Well, you would lose that bet too but I don't want to quote scripture all night long....but.....how about the one about not judging others?

Here it is for those who may not know:

.( Mat 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. Mat 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Mat 7:3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Mat 7:4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Mat 7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. )

See, in this story He's telling people they better be very right with God and perfect in every way before they judge someone else - because that's His job.

actually, we dont gamble. all i am saying is that you can use scripture to support any ideas that you may have. that and i still think jesus would never go for enabling drunkards and bums. he would probably make them get up and get a job, or something. jesus isnt one to take crap from anyone and if someone were to approach him with some lame story that was obviously a lie, i bet he would be dealt with pretty quick.

Then you don't know Jesus then. He was tortured, beaten, mocked, and cruicified for you.
He would've done better staying alive and developing well run charities that distributed food perfectly so that this stupid debate would never take place.
fine, but i am telling you that he wouldnt give money to someone to buy drugs, prostitutes, or liquor. it just wouldnt happen. ever.
and exercising caution is not godless at all. risking your life just for an ego boost is stupid and selfish.
But, you see, He is alive and has instructed each of His believers to be their own food and needs distribution center. A walking, talking, living breathing distribution center for all in need. If everyone did that, there would be no need for the brick and mortar kind.
I don't think the religous debate is needed.................

An act of kindness is not dependent on the recipient. It is easy to be kind to the clean, the good, the sane; it is not so easy to be kind to those who offend us, revolt us or annoy us. This is not a reflection on them, but on us. If we only give to those we feel are "deserving" we are judging if they are worthy of our regard. If you are good with that, fine.

Either you feel that giving is done freely, without strings attached, or you only give to those you feel are deserving. I screen the large charities I donate to...they have to notifiy where money is going. I refuse to send money to those that spend more that 25% of donations on publicity, administration and operations.

I give to local charities, and I've passed an odd sleeping bag out the car window to the guy with the sign.

There are grifters out there. But an act of kindness shouldn't be regarded as risky foolishness, giving money to a bum who is only going to spend the money on booze.

Accept it for what it was. A gift from a generous spirit, to a person who said they needed it.
mom'sfolly :

I don't think the religous debate is needed.................

An act of kindness is not dependent on the recipient. It is easy to be kind to the clean, the good, the sane; it is not so easy to be kind to those who offend us, revolt us or annoy us. This is not a reflection on them, but on us. If we only give to those we feel are "deserving" we are judging if they are worthy of our regard. If you are good with that, fine.

Either you feel that giving is done freely, without strings attached, or you only give to those you feel are deserving. I screen the large charities I donate to...they have to notifiy where money is going. I refuse to send money to those that spend more that 25% of donations on publicity, administration and operations.

I give to local charities, and I've passed an odd sleeping bag out the car window to the guy with the sign.

There are grifters out there. But an act of kindness shouldn't be regarded as risky foolishness, giving money to a bum who is only going to spend the money on booze.

Accept it for what it was. A gift from a generous spirit, to a person who said they needed it.

A great big AMEN. Well put.​

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