His cardboard sign simply said "Just Hungry"

Matthew 25:35 For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in

Hebrews 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares

No, we cannot truly know which of these people are really in need and which are scammers, but if we ignore our conscience telling us to help them a little, we may someday miss the chance to "entertain an angel."
I don't donate to charities or volunteer my time because of scripture or religion, or anything else along those lines...I am not religious at all...but I do it because I feel like a better person because of it. I do these things so that others may benefit from them and perhaps one day pass the favor on to someone else. I also do it because I would hope that someday if I were in need, someone would come along and help me out as well.

I definitely feel better about myself after volunteering or donating, but I think that is only human. I don't think you need any sort of religious excuse to help someone out, you should do it because they are a fellow human.

However, I always use caution. I don't believe that losing or endangering my life is worth trying to help someone else out.
With all due respect, if I wanted a sermon, I would go to the pastor.

I told a story about the time I was the person in need. And you know something? I hold absolutely no ire in my heart for all the folks who did not stop. For all any of them knew, I was a maniac. And to be blunt, if my child was in the car, I would not stop either. It's not a chance I am willing to take, so why should I have expected anyone else too?

Jesus was many things. An idiot was none of them.

I was aided by a stranger once. I've also been attacked. Come over to my place sometime, I'll show you the scars. They ain't pretty.

I'd like to think that an angel would be smart enough to go to a soup kitchen, and I'm happy to donate money, food, and my time to such noble endeavors.

Here is the simple truth. I've been on both sides. I've been homeless and the person in a position to give. There are resources available. Even in a small town, they aren't hard to find.
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fact of the matter is you never really can tell who needs it and who don't. i worked at a c-store/SUBWAY right on I-40 first store as you get off the exit for 8 years. i managed the SUBWAY and every day there was someone on the off ramp with a cardboard sign. they even sometimes come to our store for the cardboard and to borrow a marker...lol. i would watch these people all day every day. most times it was the same person who lived just down the road from the store in a really nice house might i add and he would park his brand new silver ford f-150 in our parking lot. but sometimes it would be someone else and they would come to the store and buy their beer and cigarettes with the money people gave them . i even watched a man throw all the food people gave him in the ditch across the street. but then again there were others who realy did need something to eat or a job and we would listen to their stories and do what we could to help. helped one guy get a job and he sent a thank you card back to the store with a $20 to pay for the meal i gave and the 3 cigarettes he got from a co worker. again fact of the matter is .. you just never know... and to be safe it is best to just give food. if they really need it they will be greatful
Well said. Although many are quick to point out christianity because that is their faith you can find the same basic tenants in every belief structure and culture across the planet. It is amazing to see the similarities in cultures if one chooses to open their eyes and look. In the end we are all human and thus respond as such.
I agree. I think that the human species is capable of both amazing cruelty and almost angelic goodness. Christians, Buddhists, Atheists all have the ability to do kind works.

Also, I do believe that we should listen to our instincts. If you feel that something is wrong, then don't stop, but if you honestly think that you should help someone then do so.
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I agree. I think that the human species is capable of both amazing cruelty and almost angelic goodness. Christians, Buddhists, Atheists all have the ability to do kind works.

Also, I do believe that we should listen to our instincts. If you feel that something is wrong, then don't stop, but if you honestly think that you should help someone then do so.

You are hitting on two basic question that we all ask ourselves at some point: why am I here and is there a final exam?

In our own right we are capable of good and evil, good is always more pleasant. Judeo– Christian beliefs stem from either doing things out of a love/reverence/fear of God or to bring glory to Him. Many Biblical stories/life examples make no sense in the natural realm of is it safe in a physical sense to do.
I agree. I think that the human species is capable of both amazing cruelty and almost angelic goodness. Christians, Buddhists, Atheists all have the ability to do kind works.

Also, I do believe that we should listen to our instincts. If you feel that something is wrong, then don't stop, but if you honestly think that you should help someone then do so.

You are hitting on two basic question that we all ask ourselves at some point: why am I here and is there a final exam?

In our own right we are capable of good and evil, good is always more pleasant. Judeo– Christian beliefs stem from either doing things out of a love/reverence/fear of God or to bring glory to Him. Many Biblical stories/life examples make no sense in the natural realm of is it safe in a physical sense to do.

I answered those questions for myself long ago.

But I don't think that this forum is a good outlet for a theological discussion. One of the best forums I have found for that is Catholic Answers. They allow Wiccans, Atheists, Protestants, Buddhists and everyone else on their site. The debate is enjoyable, although a bit heated at times. It was too addictive a forum for me, so I bowed out of it.

Oddly, my final decision to become a Christian had nothing to do with getting my questions answered. Sermonizing bored me and still does. It comes off holier then thou and a bit false(not saying that you do, Boaz
) What induced me to be a Christian was finally meeting someone who 'walked the walk" as the saying went. SHe didn't have any theological answers or ever even talked to me about God. Faith oozed out of her pores and that was what brought me to my religion.

I think that all people with strongly held beliefs have to be careful not to turn others off with their own certainity that they are right.

And I apologize to the OP for hijacking her thread. SHe had a lovely experience and I am happy for her. She did something good and that should be what this thread is about. Not whose faith is right.
With all due respect, if I wanted a sermon, I would go to the pastor.

No sermon was intended in any of my posts. Most were in reply to posts that said "I bet Jesus......" or "He should have stayed alive....." So, since most religions believe Jesus at least existed (though debate on his significance) I was responding to the "what would Jesus say and do" posts with quotes from documented records of exactly what Jesus said and did.

Every religion, and even the "non-religious" have almost the exact same quotes about how to treat your fellow man. If I had easy access to them I would have posted one from each so anyone could take their pick.

I too strongly believe you should always do what you feel is right in your heart. In my "real life" I don't go around quoting scripture or giving sermons. I go about doing what is right in my heart and sits well with my Spirit. If anyone asks me though, I will explain what I can about what I believe. And I will especially set the record straight if anyone mis-quotes scripture. I just think if you are going to quote scripture, especially on the internet, then at least get the scripture right because you may be influencing someone who only knows what you've quoted and believes you must know what you're talking about.

Sermon over.
This, this, and more this.

I must admit I'm leery of people who claim they are doing the right thing because that's what the bible says. It just tends to strike me as they are only doing it because the bible said they'll go to hell of they don't, and it feels like their aid has strings attached.

I don't try to do the right thing because I want to please Jesus. I do the right thing because it is the right thing. I don't do the right thing because of what the bible and a pastor say. I do the right thing because it is the right thing. And there have been times I have done the right thing in opposition to what someone has told me the bible or their pastor has said. I don't do the right thing because of some hope of eternal reward. I do the right thing because it is the right thing. If that pleases Jesus, so be it.

For the record: All this usually means is someone has interpreted scripture differently than the way you interpret it, or has chosen a different translation of the bible than the one you subscribe to. Fairly often when I see someone 'setting the record straight', I want to point out that they have just as much backing for their position as the person they are correcting does. The bible lent itself to many interpretations back when everyone understood the language and culture it was originally written in, and the problem has only increased exponentially with time.

So, interpret the bible the same way you would a beggar. Go with your conscience.

One of my favorite sayings from the saints is this:

Preach the gospel in everything you do. If absolutely necessary, use words.

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