His cardboard sign simply said "Just Hungry"

Yes, some are phony. Some are real. If somebody reaches out to me for help and I deny them, that is my sin. If I help somebody and they use the money for booze or drugs and don't try to help themselves, that is their sin. The OP has a good heart.
me and my mum had something like this happen on the weekend:

We were walking along on a sunday by the church just for a walk, and sat on the bench outside the church was an elderly man of about 60 who was just wearing a shirt, big sort of ripped jacket and jeans with socks, and as we got closer, he started talking to us, so we sat next to him and listened,
He told us the history of the church and the small village we were walking in (we live on the outskirts of a city and like to go for walks sometimes) and he was just being very nice, he then told us hed lived there for 15 years, and had been homeless for 10 years, after about an hour we left, but we didn't go home, he had been so nice, we got a box and went to the shops, bought him new clothes, food, a blanket, some gloves, hat and a scarf (as its coming up to winter) a few books because he mentioned he used to read alot, and a few other bits, put it all into the box and went back to him, gave him the box and he had such a big smile on his face it was amazing
I was driving home one day. I had just stopped and grabbed something for lunch when I saw a guy sitting on an off-ramp with the "hungry displaced veteran" sign. I am very weary of such people and would never give them money, but I had just scarfed a southwest chicken wrap and still had a boat full of fries I had only eaten maybe two when there he was. I gave him the food and he seemed very grateful.
I know that there are organizations that will donate knitted or crocheted hats to the homeless. I want to do something like that, but all my efforts fall short. I don't want to donate something that the homeless person would be embarrased to wear.
In the one city in PA (forget which one), they actually put parking meter type things up, and signs saying that if you want to help a panhandler, put the money in the meter and it will to to the food bank instead. Neat idea if you ask me, but, I think that they still need to be out there panhandling, because seeing a parking meter isn't going to tug at your heartstrings like a suffering panhandler will.
This has really been a heart-warming thread.

I live in Southern Illinois but work in St. Louis -- the young-ish guys with the signs are always hanging around a particular overpass and I never give anything to them. They are ALWAYS THERE, so in my mind, they are scamming.

I did, however, see a young gal with her dog standing on a median strip asking for help to get her home. It was during the summer, HOT as hades, and the girl was tatoo'd and pierced like crazy. She couldn't have been 20 yrs. old. Anyway, I thought how much see seemed like my niece -- and gave her a couple of dollars and a Milk Bone for her dog. She was very grateful for the cash and thrilled that someone gave something to her dog as well. I still wonder if she made it home. I hope my couple of dollars made a difference.

This is probably bad, but I remember a comedian once talking about homeless people with dogs..

His commentary ran something along the lines of:

Wouldn't you hate to be that dog?

"Hey, uh...listen.. I like taking a walk as much as the next dog, but this is getting a little ridiculous! When are we going HOME?!?!!"


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