HOA Laws Are Changing To Allow Chickens- MUST READ

Do You Think All Homeowners Should Be Allowed To Keep Chickens

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so I watched the video and clicked the links but can't find anything that says what actually happened... just a woman complaining about her HOA, but I can't find what the HOA actually did and what rules she supposedly did or didn't violate...
So I read the second half.
And this second have I kinda agree with but....Save you have a really good job...great schools for your children..etc....and there is not once "area" within 100 miles that is not under an HOA?
It isn't quite as simple to pack up and move to another state.
Again...you have not seen me complain about living in an HOA just want to put this "side" of it out there.

Yep same here. We never thought about chickens 12 years ago. Now we have been looking for 2 years for some place to move to. Oh we can actually move into the city, you can have chickens there, But you can't have horses! And no land!
Unless any one out there has roughy $1,000,000. They would like to give me to purchase a small ranchett in south Texas (and that's just the land) I'll keep looking.
I guarantee there are many many people that have chickens that live in an HOA...it's the dummies (sorry) that chose to keep rooster that get caught (most of the time).
So you're getting invited to play hockey when you don't know how to play, invited to bear country when you're known to be slower. I'm starting to see a pattern here. Not gonna guess about the mention of bonfires.

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