
Average 600 to 750 pounds of grain used to reach slaughter target weight of 220-240 pounds if hogs not on pasture/wooded lot and just using grain. Where I am it is currently $15 per 50# bag but if you get it by the ton it is cheaper. Hogs are herd animals so get at least 2 if possible. When deciding whether or not it is financially reasonable to raise a hog, average up all of the pork products you buy in a year and how much you pay for it. I'll bet you save money raising your own without nasty confinement conditions and cleaner feed;-)
you can pet them and talk to them just dont get attached you want to attached enough that they wont be scared of you it makes things easier on you and them. Try not to touch them 2-3 days after they are born espeacialy youngers kids and like 0-8yrs. old because they are very fragile in this time period and even adults try not to unless absoultly nessicery like if you was to help the hog deliver her pig then you can touch them . Some mothers are very defincive and aggressive even if you havent notice that they have acted like this before they had there first litter if the piglet squeals and sees that dosent have all her pigs and your leg is near her she can bite
I'd go to Homesteading today, a lot of people talk about pigs and such. Very helpful site. That's where I go to talk about pigs. Not a lot of talk about em on here, mostly chickens, ducks and such.
I want to do a 4-H market hog sooo bad.... Do you have to keep them in a stall? Or is outdoor pens a okay housing too?
Honestly just ween them when it's time I had one litter in the a pastor and they roomed around and we didn't loose a single one all of my hogs except those are Bornen in a hog house that my dad mad on a wooden steward down floor with a ferrowing crate and then weened and moved to a bigger outside pen

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