

10 Years
Jan 16, 2010
My chickens dig the worst holes! Is that common? my golden comets never did this,but my australorps are hole-digging maniacs! they have dug a hole so deep that they can get UNDER the coop now. I swear the hole and trench they made is a foot deep and 3 feet under the coop, which is actually an old shed sitting on the ground, not up on stilts like some of the high-class REAL coops, lol. But they have been diligently digging and 6 hens have made that much progress in just a day and a half. The only hole I ever saw a comet dig was when they free ranged in the winter. they would dig down through the snow to get to the grass underneath.

Is it because theyre hot? ...Maybe my comets dont get so hot because they are more a buff/reddish color as opposed to the BLACK aussies? Its been in the mid 90s with lots of humidity here lately. the aussies are all under the shed/coop now, and the comets are not interested, just happy in the chicken yard pecking at grasshoppers
My chickens and my dogs have a HUGE hole dug in the middle of my yard... I am not sure who started it but I am pretty sure the chickens did most of the work. When the chickens lay in the hole you can't see them thats how deep they have it... we are discussing getting some of the mud out of the pig pen and putting it in the hole! It's a pain to have to mow lawn around!
I agree; holes everywhere! My chickens have been trying to dig escape holes out of the run and when they're out free-ranging they hang out in the dog's holes.

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