Holland Lop Rabbits!!!!!!


11 Years
Nov 19, 2008
Good Ole GA
Hey yall!
I wanted to find out if anyone else on here breed, raises, or just owns Holland Lop rabbits? I have a trio, a blue tort buck, a black and white broken pattern doe, and a black doe. I bred them a while back and only one was pregnant, and her 2 babies got too cold. They are all about 7 or 8 months old. She was a new mom so she didn't know what to do....I guess? I want to get into showing them, eventually. Right now I just want them to have bunnies!
aww! I had a couple of bunnies growing up. I want some more.
Can you post some pics?

see the tabs at the top that say "index, user list, etc"? there is one that says uploads. You can use that or use photobucket or something like that. But now that they have upload link on here it is much easier.
i have had 6 rabbits in my life. no matter what you do, try not to give them to much carrot. it will make them sick and they may die. congrats. my last rabbit died. he was wild and my idiot neighbor ran over his mom with a lawnmower. so when his younger brother came to show me the rabbit, i snatched him away and he became my pet. but after 3 or 4 days he nibbled on a piece of grass that had weed killer on it and he died.

remember that you are lucky to have those little angels. you are very lucky
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