Holly, Lisa's and Lexa's Silkie Hatching Egg Countdown

ERrrr! I am going to give up hatching. I had one egg that cracked when I was moving it to the hatcher. So I wrapped it in a wet paper towel. Well, so today it was "bulging" and the shell was falling off. I did a rash judgement and decided to poke a small hole in the air sack at the top, and wouldn't you know, albumen, blood vessels, and stuff start squirting through the small whole. There was not an air sack anymore (Could it be because the humidity was too high wrapped in the wet paper towel? So knowing that, I went ahead to see if I could find the beak and give it air, and it was way premature (maybe 2 days) It lived for a little bit but then it died.

But since I had to reach in and help that, the one that was pipped turned to plastic wrap and was shrink wrapping it's beak. So of course I pulled it a tiny bit away from the beak. All looked well, I left it alone, but I just looked at it, and its shrink wrapping away from the egg. I pulled it back a little and there is blood. ERRR! I need to just leave well enough alone and let the one egg possibly die in shell, and not kill the rest opening the bator.
im sorry. i was about to give up after i lost all my eggs but 3 due to that temp spike. Ugh! But the new bator is looking promising! 40+ developing, including 3 or 4 khaki campbell duck eggs.

Just bring anything over. I have more room in the big bator now that i took out about 16 that were infertile, the BUTTERCUPS AND O.E. SOMEBODY sent you....

ok..... breathe.....

talk 2 you soon!!
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Still nothing for me on day 23
This is just ridiculous!!!
Well, I was going to give up also, but the lady I purchased the Blue Andalusian from is shipping me more and gave a reasonable price and excellant advice, which I will do to the "T".

If someone told me they killed off the chicks (in an egg or not) I do not think I could ship them more. (JUST JOKING)

So I have more coming and I am going to give it a try, once more. You don't give up, you just try and try again, no matter how frustrated you get. Hang in there and just think like I try to, "This time I will do better and leave them alone."
Thanks for the words of encouragement countrybum. The second one is out and healthy the first one of course died. I also have two more out alive and healthy. They have little round tummies but the yoke is absorbed. I have about 5 other pips too. Hopefully I will wake up to more babies.

As for my other incubator I have a call duck forming! One was infertile and the goose egg was a no go.
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YAY! I have a peeping egg, I noticied it last night when I walked by to close a window! Day 24 and finally something lol I guess they knew they were going out tommrow if they didn't hatch, now lets just hope they actually hatch!
Anytime, I have felt the same way. Last year I purchased about 8 dozen eggs and ended up with maybe 1 out of each purchase. I think one of the main keys is letting them sit for 24 hours after receiving them. That is what I am going to try this time.
I have 4 or 5 SLW now and 2 Buff Orps. One of the buffs is in bad shape, still needed an extra day. One SLW has it's "yoke" (looks more like stomache) hanging out and I have diapered it, and it keeps getting out of it. It's very active and has jumped and moved all over all the other eggs, and everything is a bloody mess in there. It's SO gross, but it's still alive, so I'm happy and will put up with the mess!

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