Holly, Lisa's and Lexa's Silkie Hatching Egg Countdown

Another one Holly? These hatching out are SO premature, I am thinking the temp being a little low those first few days (I had it at 99 and 100 for a the first few days, trying to be too careful). I wonder if the same thing might of happened for you? The reason they are all coming out now, later?

I have 5 SLW and 3 Buffs right now. One Buff I thought looked like it's stomach was horrible is out of the egg with a clear stomach now, 6 hours later. I have a new buff in the egg that has the same problem. I am hoping I don't loose any (so far I have only lost the one that I cracked the shell two days ago). I have a few more pips too. Maybe it will be fine after all!
I hope so, that temp is about what mine stayed at and now they are incredibly late, we are on day 24 and just now getting a pip, i only have one, but it's my silkie so I'm ok with what ever I get! I thought is was supposed to be 99.5-101.5??? I think there was a curse on all of us this past hatch, it seems like every single one of us had some sort of problem or loss!
I hatch 10, but one died. And I had a surprise one under one of my hens. I thought they were all cochin eggs then I found a little silkie.

So I have one little egg pipped trying to zip, he has been at it since about 11 yesterday! Poor guy, I hope he makes it out, he is my only hatchling!
oh good!!!! congrats! sorry the others didnt make it

Yea, it happens
but I'm glad someone made it, I told my hubby I'm happy with one, one is what I got and I'm happy with that lol NOW, it's time for ducks
I think I'm going to get some from you but I have 4 boxes, yes 4 boxes of eggs on thier way so I'm going ot wait until all those are taken care of lol and then get some from you

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