Holy Heck, What Happened????????????

I know exactly how you feel. Reformed Bad Guy here. I have six 6 week old chicks that need to go into the main run soon and I fretting big time over that. Don't find an abandoned two week old kitten under a wood pile in your backyard or you'll be completely screwed...


Goodluck and have fun.

to our world Jim and Scott. You both deserve hugs
Jim you had such a touching story I had tears in my eyes. I try to tell my friends about my girls, they don't say anything but I can tell what they are thinking just by their expressions. They try hard to act interested but I know they are laughing at me. Do I care, NO.
Scott I now see you have been on here for awhile but not sure if you were formally welcomed. Glad to hear men are truly softies too.
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Now you're sick like the rest of us, just wait until the chicken math starts!

My mother comes over and watches my silkies peck and scratch in the yard. She told me they're mesmorizing little aliens. I know, its a wonder I get anything done around here! All of my friends and family are shocked over my new found hobby. I tell them trust me no one is as shocked as me!
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