HomeMade Incubator Contest - 3/09 - Winners Announced!

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That's not a problem, it's a feature of a cheap thermostat.

There are several solutions. You can ignore the issue, eggs need an average temperature, not a specific one. This might work, but there is a chance the egg core temp will vary more than you want. You can check this by calibrating the setup with a temp probe inside a water wiggler.

The other solution is to use a better thermostat. You can use a more accurate version of the one you have (I use one by Ranco, and you can see it in the incubator link in my sig), or you could go the whole hog and use a proportional controller, which will be my next upgrade. Incidentally, the PID controllers can also allow for fluctuating ambient temps ..... very cool. They can be had, with a T-type thermocouple, for about $60.

Hope this helps
Mine is finally coming together. Needs a few finishing touches, like a hatching tray, but haven't quite decided how I want to do it. Here's a little peak.

Hatching trays are easy

1/4" Hardware cloth, folded into a tray and given runners that fit your incubator .... works a treat and you can see one in the incubator link in my sig​
your hatching egg advice is right on. on cochins buff orpingtons and wyandottes you sometimes need to trim the feathers in the vent area or sperm can be blocked by the feathers.
Check out our TV Bator!!! I know it is still has Rabbit Ears but some of the parts are Digital!
You can view our photos on our BYC page. Let us know what you think.
chicken stalker ;p :

Hey there's copyright laws....lol
...Just kidding. Very nice looking bator! I wish I had the time and $$ to have made my batorvision pretty. Great job!

Didn't mean to copycat
We were just looking around for things we had and wala the TV fish tank just jumped out. We only use it for a night light. Oh, and the paint job, well we bought it that way. I do like your BYC page. Very cool! Did you check out ours? Who said TV couldn't be fun and educational?
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Just a few concerns about the hot water heater thermostats, those two screws on them are live or should i say hot..were the power comes into the thermostat its self,,if you touch the two screws with wet hands i think somebody is gonna get a bad shock or electrocuted is that possible..??

am i right or wrong, they do have 110v or 120v running between them right?? or at least is running through those screws.

Be very very careful, don't want to see anybody get hurt or killed..

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Here's mine. Eggs were set 1/27. This will be our first hatch. Candled them yesterday and all but 2 seemed to be developing. Can't wait to see what we have. They are mutts but the only thing we know for sure is the rooster. He is a buff.


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