HomeMade Incubator Contest - 3/09 - Winners Announced!

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I just made my first incubator. It's extremely unorthodox, and it looks like the lunch box gone wrong, but I have it at the right temp. I'll post it once I get a picture.
Mine is complete, but I'm not going to enter it until I make sure it actually hatches some chicks. So I'll let you know at the end of next week
I will be entering mine hopefully tomorrow. I need to get pictures of it today and will hopefully get the pictures and page uploaded tomorrow.

Good luck everyone!
Gopher Boy -

If I were able to vote on a winner....I would definately vote for you! Thanks for such simple instructions. My husband was looking at it and will more than likely try to build one for us.


Only one question - What is a wiggler toy?
thanks so much!! due to following Miss Priss' layout we where able to put it together ....and it works, we will be setting 12 eggs tomorrow!!!

the water wiggler....it a litte $1.00 toy that is SOOO hard to find. it's really hard to explain what it is. Its like a tube with gel in it that swishes back and forth. We finaly found them at the Dollar store a few months back so I stocked up (got 4 of them now)
I don't think I will be entering my bator now mods, so please don't hold the contest open for me. I had a bad follow-up with my doc on Friday and they put me in the hospital. I am out for a bit until they figure out what to do and then I will be going back in. So, I didn't get my pictures taken and won't have the time to get everything posted now before it ends.

I will post pictures one day though for everyone since it is different than most of them on here. It is a cabinet style.

I wish everybody else luck on their entries!

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