HomeMade Incubator Contest - 3/09 - Winners Announced!

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Can we add to this even though the competition is over?

It would be great if it could be a growing resource as more people add their own pages.

We'll keep having contests as long as people keep making BYC pages!

Once this one is over we'll startup another contest.
Woo hoo!!! I just got some more supplies for my new bator, good to know that there will be another contest! Thanks Nifty!
I just completed a homemade bator. Is it too late to enter it?


I think it would be a great entry that would be worthy of an exception to the end date of the contest.

I got zero temp fluctuation over night using a hot water thermostat!!!

Did I get your attention?

I have an incredible way of using the thermostat to get the constant temps so I'm waiting before updating my incubator page to see if I can get it entered in this contest.


Please, please, please!

Is there any way you can help me with the wiring you seem to know about electricity. I don't understand how to wire it up and my husband is to busy to help and I haven't a clue. I have the basics; but I don't understand the wiring, I have the thermostat the light kit and th fan; but from there I'm lost. HELP ANYONE PLEASE!!!!

I have a wood box bator, but I am so lost when it comes to the wiring.and I need help.
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