Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

For math I really think that Right Start Math is the best choice. The downside with it is that it does require LOTS of parent input time. However, teaching only two, it might work with you.

Right Start, is just the best for explaining, working with full understanding of math, training mental math, etc. etc. hands down winner.

Of course, I no longer use it :rolleyes: since I no longer have that much time.

I homeschool 5, ages 15 down to 5, all boys.

5 BOYS...... :barnie

I have 3 boys.   I have not heard of that one I will have to check it out.  The Robinson program is a mostly self taught program.  That is one reason it really appeals to me.  I really want them to do as much as they can on their own.  I know the first few elementary years are different.  We are just going to have fun.

My first two weren't capable of doing anything on their own in the elementary years. :rolleyes:

At this point most of them do their work by themselves, I sit in the middle of the room and crack a whip. (Metaphorically speaking)

For "do it on your own" my favorite math is teaching textbooks. All on a disk on the computer, with immediate positive reinforcement of a jumping animation. Good for my instinctual math learners and my "learning math is as easy as slamming my head into a brick wall" learner.

Except for math, we are very eclectic learners.

Of course, now with a high schooler, we have one internet class, will have to do two internet classes next year.
Quote: My first two weren't capable of doing anything on their own in the elementary years.

At this point most of them do their work by themselves, I sit in the middle of the room and crack a whip. (Metaphorically speaking)

For "do it on your own" my favorite math is teaching textbooks. All on a disk on the computer, with immediate positive reinforcement of a jumping animation. Good for my instinctual math learners and my "learning math is as easy as slamming my head into a brick wall" learner.

Except for math, we are very eclectic learners.

Of course, now with a high schooler, we have one internet class, will have to do two internet classes next year.
I don't expect them to be self teaching till they are older and LEARN those skills.
I see you 6Pack! I forgot to tell you, you need to find a way to keep those eggs you got separated when they hatch!

If you do a "Who is going to hatch first" I can tell you!

JOIN US! Did you get that link I posted on the Middle TN thread for the Umbrella School?
LOOK WHAT I JUST FOUND! It is similar to RC from what I can tell. The biggest complaint with buying Robinson is printing out all the book and how hard it is too use the CD's.

This looks GREAT! Has all the same books maybe even more. Sorted by grade levels... has an e-reader in the program and is TOTALLY FREE!

Just playing with it but can't wait to try it with the 5 year old.
I am not familiar with Robinson, but Charlotte Mason is a literature based style. We basically read books to learn about our different subjects (other than math and language arts). It is such an enjoyable way for me to teach. I love to read anything I can get my hands on! McKays is on my list of places to go, but I haven't been. I do get quite a bit of my used books and curriculum from Amazon. With prime shipping, so you can sometimes find things for under a dollar!

So, on a chicken note, I think I'm going to need a couple of chicks. I'm so sad! I think our first try at hatching was a total bust. Not a single egg looked good tonight. Boo hoo :(. Could you save me a rhodebar and a cream legbar hen? Maybe we can meet up at costco in the next week so I can hand over the Singapore math and buy some chicks!? I'm also happy to come out to you for the chicks, if you are not planning a trip anytime soon.

I have read up on that math.  CMM is similar to RC.  More reading than anything I think right?  My homeschooling is going to eclectic I am sure. 

I would LOVE to look at it.  I go to west nashville to costco every few weeks.  Have you been to McKay's book store?  I LOVE that place.  Not sure I will find much in Saxon or Singapore there.  They probably get snapped up quick!
I am not familiar with Robinson, but Charlotte Mason is a literature based style. We basically read books to learn about our different subjects (other than math and language arts). It is such an enjoyable way for me to teach. I love to read anything I can get my hands on! McKays is on my list of places to go, but I haven't been. I do get quite a bit of my used books and curriculum from Amazon. With prime shipping, so you can sometimes find things for under a dollar!

So, on a chicken note, I think I'm going to need a couple of chicks. I'm so sad! I think our first try at hatching was a total bust. Not a single egg looked good tonight. Boo hoo
. Could you save me a rhodebar and a cream legbar hen? Maybe we can meet up at costco in the next week so I can hand over the Singapore math and buy some chicks!? I'm also happy to come out to you for the chicks, if you are not planning a trip anytime soon.
The Rhodebar chick I can do.... I don't have any CCL pullets. I just hatched a cockerel. I don't remember what all is in there but I might have something else that is sexlinked I will look. I don't know for sure when I will go back. We had to make a run for diapers (and today the little one didn't even use them LOL) We go to Nashville pretty often maybe we can work it out. We can always eat lunch at Cracker Barrel LOL

RC is lit based too. Saxon for math is what he recommends but that is pretty much it. I will use some OLD Grammer/Language Art books and may even use some Ray's Arithmetic books.... we will see. That link I post above is also a Lit based program with all the PDF of the books liked in the program. They have flash cards for math and exams, writing sheets (alphabets print and cursive) vocabulary quiz, games.... might be a good thing.
Hello, everyone!

I have been homeschooled off and on, in total for about 2 grade years now. It is great because I get to spend more time with my animals.

It's hard to find other people around where I live that homeschool. No groups or anything!

Maybe this thread will be of some support to you!
The thing is, we might be moving soon, and when we do, I plan on going back to school. But for now, Im just taking it day by day. I love homeschooling, but it does get a little lonely around here.

Why are you going to send them back to school?
The Rhodebar chick I can do.... I don't have any CCL pullets. I just hatched a cockerel. I don't remember what all is in there but I might have something else that is sexlinked I will look. I don't know for sure when I will go back. We had to make a run for diapers (and today the little one didn't even use them LOL) We go to Nashville pretty often maybe we can work it out. We can always eat lunch at Cracker Barrel LOL

RC is lit based too. Saxon for math is what he recommends but that is pretty much it. I will use some OLD Grammer/Language Art books and may even use some Ray's Arithmetic books.... we will see. That link I post above is also a Lit based program with all the PDF of the books liked in the program. They have flash cards for math and exams, writing sheets (alphabets print and cursive) vocabulary quiz, games.... might be a good thing.
I'm fine with a Rhodebar and another sex link of any kind. I'll know for sure if I need them after Wednesday. Pretty sure I will, but there is always room for a miracle :) We use ancient Grammar, as well. This year it is English for the Thoughtful Child. I snagged that one off of Simply Charlotte Mason. Did someone say Cracker Barrel???
Quote: I am going to Nashville tomorrow but I can still meet up with you later in the week if needed. I don't think I hatched any other Sex Links this hatch.... I might have one from last hatch that is a week older. ..... OOOOOOHHHH I hatched a couple of Cuckoo Marans and I am 99% sure of the gender on 2 of them. Nice little head spots.

ON A HOMESCHOOL NOTE.... my 5 year old has been searching YOUTUBE and finding ADDITION videos and learning addition on his own..... got to love a self starter LOL.

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