Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

Trying to reseach the anatomy books with worksheets and projects-- a number of them are available at amazon. DIfficult to fully eval each one.

What I do like is that Amazon will find other simialr books to suggest for sale of course, but it does some of the research for me.
THanks DOnna . I'll have a look.

The Shostak books arrived today-- lost in DH car for a few weeks. lol

THe first series of 20 words matches the first group of words from the online program. While the book offerser a number of pages to help a youngstudent understand analogies and root words and the grammar in context section.

THe book is good for making copies ( front cover expressly for bids this, but I hate writing in a book) but does not have nearlythe exercises as the online sections which has over 15 exercises to pick from AND you can re take the tests and replay the games. Boook is good for on the go or if kids like working from a worksheet rather than on line.

About $20 per book that covers 15 sets of words. My 4th grader took the first test o using the online words ad got only 8 / 20 right the first time cold turkey. ( Older son a 6th grader, got 18/20) Younger son did the definitions game again and did much better the second time.

IMO with a little work kids can learn new words and make them part of their vocabualry. THe testing is just part of the fun of learning. I'm totally stumped that my 6th grader has NO vocab at all ever. Huh??
As for hands on science for the little ones, here is a book that uses mostly readily available items from around the house.

"Earth Science Experiements" by Louis V Loeschnig ( $5.95) is a collection of simple experiements grouped by themes likedirt/soil, gravity/magnatism, earthworms and earthquakes/ tsumanis.

I highly recomment this for the younger students to introduce the ideas. Could be used as part of a fuller curriculum for older kids as the intro into the topic.

My plan is to run thru all the experiements this summer so I know where my kids are at.
I'm glad you support Homeschooling, cause I'm am homeschooloed! it is nice, and I hope we never change. I am now going into 6th grade!

I am glad you enjoy it! I think there are threads on BYC for students..... this is really for the parents. I promised the Mods I would keep it that way.
I was working with my boys today on their vocab and spelling . . . .and for kicks had the older son try the most advanced words on the shostak vocab page-- he went from getting 95% right to 55%,going from 6th grade work to AP senior work. I did it as a point. One that yes he knows a lot of words, but second he needs to keep working at it. THere are alway new words to learn, and learning the meaning is first, learning to spell them is second, and learning to incorporate themi nto writing is third. I never dock for spelling on a writing project. And here is why.

I distinctly remember an paper I wrote for English class with Miss HIggins. I wanted to use "gammot" but wrote it as gammon, and as I was a shy child, I couldnt explain what I wanted to write. BUt looking back a smart Enlish teacher should have figured out the context and guessed what I was after. THe net effect was that I never used a word I was not completely sure of. In my scope of teaching and learning, how can anyone learn by not suing the skill or word. Trying to use words even if somewhat incorrect should be apllauded. How else can a child improve their language skills??

After my kids learn the basic colors : black, red, yellow, etc. I starrted adding other colors to the descriptions of items: That poppy is scarlet; A girls name is Carmen, did you know that is a color in the red family. Ruby is a pretty red stone. Moments in ur lives are the best tool-- to use an example of color that they can see. WHen my boys had a grasp of several shades of a color, I would play a game: GIve me as many names for red as you can. Initially it would only be 2 colors but with time it expands. And I get to offer colors too. Blues are a good one to work on: sky blue, navy blue, royal blue, blue jay blue, etc. THe recall will help later in their writing too.

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