Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

I have homeschooled my two boys all their lives. My older son enjoys technology. My younger son wants to be a farmer so we bought 4 baby chicks in February. We now have 5 hens who are currently laying eggs, a mother hen and 3 chicks that we gave her because she was broody and the eggs were not hatching.

It is a learning experience. We have more eggs than we can eat.

Too many eggs?? NEver!! YOu just need more recipes!! Or as I did I froze the extras to hold for the off season when the girls molt. My kids are just starting to understand how much they have learned by living on a small farm. Between animals, feeding, outdoors in horrendous weather . . . . . . much to learn.

Glad you can help your budding farmer find his way . . and lots of tech in farming too. LOTS!!
Add 1 tsp salt per pint of liquid egg (whites and yolk scrambled) , mixed in well; or add 2 tablspooons sugar per pint. I recently read the yolks can be treated this way, but the whites can be frozen without sugar or salt.

I have only tried the pint of scrambled yolks and whites and the added the salt.
I have put eggs in ziplock bags and froze them just fine. I didn't add anything to them. I would only use them for cooking though. I froze some with one egg and some with two so I could get the number of eggs the recipe needed. I have heard of people just putting them in ice cube trays to freeze.

I may not be around much so continue on without me PLEASE! We are doing a remodel on a house we have been trying to sell. Should be done in a few weeks and maybe it will be sold before we finish.
Perhaps you can donate them to a food pantry. Or contact the local church as they are in the know on families that would benefit.

Donna-- good luck on the remodeling and I pray for a quick sale.
Okay, all you homeschoolers. Check out
It is a way for homeschoolers to pass on their books and materials to someone else once they are finished with them. The recepient of the materials only pays for shipping. I just saw a box of Magic School bus videos on there for those of you who like them!

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