Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

Quote: Well, I have horses and they are all bigger than me BUT I am the boss. As for my kids, I have the car and I'm the driver, lol. Providing structured time is helpful, and having rewards. Rewards work at any age. Know what your kids like. Right now Ice cream is big incendtive for my kids. Or here it can be no Sat night movie ( at home) unless chores are well done all week.

Gave my youngest 2 worksheets to do enroute to a raking job ( paid work) and hoping the boring 40 minutes will entice him to get the 8 review math problems done. Otherwise, he will need to do them first thing when he arrives home.

This same son has an Interest Fair project to do. Which means mom does a lot of research at the computer and pulls him over to show him the best stuff and offer ideas. One book is required for a source and not WIki. I had him use WIKI to start as it is reader friendly format and honestly, I havent found anything that is really wrong in the subjects I do know something about. ( DId find a few facts a bit off in a TIMES magazine once. .. .. so I dont think WIki is as bad as it made out to be. ) Having the kids use many sources is always a good thing. In the past we have taken the kids to local places: son made a copy of a monument in Boston, so DH took kids to the abandoned quarry to see where the granite was cut.

Older son used chicken eggs and then chicken breeds for 2 speeches for Boy Scout merit badge ( Public Speaking) and giving him a subject he knows well really helps him with public speaking--- which is difficult for most of us!!

You can take control, even if you feel you dont have it right now.
Hi Everybody!

I don't talk much but I was wondering if anybody has used Easy Peasy ? I did the public school online K12 route last year. I thought I might try something else with a little more latitude. Anybody know about or use Easy Peasy and did their children like it? Thanks....
Hi Unity, I personally haven't tried easypeasy yet but I have heard great things about it on some homeschool sites. I think it's appealing because everything is planned out. We did k12 this year too, don't think I want to do it again so I have been looking into other options also.
I hit the MOTHER load of school books today. We have a great used bookstore here and seems like someone just dumped a bunch of school books in the free bin 2 arm loads later I was in the store. Picked up a bunch of good books for $25 another SCORE!.... then as I was leaving there was a woman in the parking lot with some HUGE books like teachers use in front of the class.... she was a second grade teacher and they would not buy her big books! She sold me ALL of them for $10 it was about 20 books. One was on the human body, atlas, solar system, math, vocabulary, and just some reg reading books!

Now I just need a library to store them all in.
I hit the MOTHER load of school books today. We have a great used bookstore here and seems like someone just dumped a bunch of school books in the free bin 2 arm loads later I was in the store. Picked up a bunch of good books for $25 another SCORE!.... then as I was leaving there was a woman in the parking lot with some HUGE books like teachers use in front of the class.... she was a second grade teacher and they would not buy her big books! She sold me ALL of them for $10 it was about 20 books. One was on the human body, atlas, solar system, math, vocabulary, and just some reg reading books!

Now I just need a library to store them all in.
That's how My mum feels whenever she buys a butt load of books lol I have 5 siblings sooo! we need a mansion to keep them lol
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So don't judge but I've kinda gone the "un schooling" route with my kids (we have not gotten to radical about it yet)... For those of you unfamiliar with the term it is basically (for us) just letting our kids choose what they want to learn about. I have found they retain more of what they want to learn about than what we force upon them. To us the most important thing is that learning should always be fun!
So don't judge but I've kinda gone the "un schooling" route with my kids (we have not gotten to radical about it yet)... For those of you unfamiliar with the term it is basically (for us) just letting our kids choose what they want to learn about. I have found they retain more of what they want to learn about than what we force upon them. To us the most important thing is that learning should always be fun!

I think that is GREAT! Part of me says go for it and another part is still stuck in the SCHOOL mindset. I think we will do a combo thing. Not sure how that is going to work but really we want them to learn what they want to learn. So many things we learn in school we NEVER use. I have NEVER needed to know the square root of a number (good thing too I didn't get it). The things they will NEED the basics will be class like, but the extra stuff I will let them lead the way..... but I might have to rethink that when and if this turns into a 5 student thing (3rd grade down to pre-k) .... we will be going all over the place. I like self teaching too so once they get the skills they can maybe take over.

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