Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

Hi!!! I have home schooled in the past with my oldest for a year and a half we did K12, now with my kindergartener he is trying regular school BUT he is having a hard time with it so I am looking at the possibility of homeschooling him and for the first couple years kinder through 1st maybe 2nd I am toying with the idea of free or "unschooling" which is mainly just following his lead and working with what he is into, work the math into daily life with collecting eggs and counting egg to hen ratio, and with baking and cooking. and READ READ READ. But a lot of nature and natural learning going on in those first few years of early education that I think traditional school blocks out
Hi!!! I have home schooled in the past with my oldest for a year and a half we did K12, now with my kindergartener he is trying regular school BUT he is having a hard time with it so I am looking at the possibility of homeschooling him and for the first couple years kinder through 1st maybe 2nd I am toying with the idea of free or "unschooling" which is mainly just following his lead and working with what he is into, work the math into daily life with collecting eggs and counting egg to hen ratio, and with baking and cooking. and READ READ READ. But a lot of nature and natural learning going on in those first few years of early education that I think traditional school blocks out

I have some structure to most of what the kids do but Unschooling seems great for all kids really. The key to most of this is READING! But they can read what they want. My 7yo is into Magic Tree house books and is getting in 2 books a week (he could read a book a day but he is a reluctant reader right now). He loves animal shows and nature things so we find good shows on TV for him to watch.

I have some structure to most of what the kids do but Unschooling seems great for all kids really. The key to most of this is READING! But they can read what they want. My 7yo is into Magic Tree house books and is getting in 2 books a week (he could read a book a day but he is a reluctant reader right now). He loves animal shows and nature things so we find good shows on TV for him to watch.

my 12 is reluctant also but like you we let him read what he wants as long as it gets a book in his hand, which is strange to me because both my husband and I LOVE to read and between the two of us we cover every genre possible. Netflix with all the documentaries is awesome lol I think if I do have to homeschool any of the little boys I will be going with Unschooling for the most part But today our 5y went to school willingly I think compared to home school the small rural school are a good alternative ours covers k-12 in one building :)
Quote: WOW k-12 in one building! I live in a pretty small area but not that small.

When I was in school they thought I had something wrong with me because I didn't like to read. Put me in special ed and everything. Finally they told my mother that I could read just find, had to find what I liked to read. Still looking for that. I like to read about things I am interested in, but just sitting and reading a book.... not going to happen. My husband will read ANYTHING and has. He is even reading the kids books as I bring them in LOL. He just read Heidi in a day. I am not going to let him get too crazy on what books he reads. I want him to get a taste for reading then we will get back to reading GOOD CLASSICS.
WOW k-12 in one building! I live in a pretty small area but not that small.

When I was in school they thought I had something wrong with me because I didn't like to read. Put me in special ed and everything. Finally they told my mother that I could read just find, had to find what I liked to read. Still looking for that. I like to read about things I am interested in, but just sitting and reading a book.... not going to happen. My husband will read ANYTHING and has. He is even reading the kids books as I bring them in LOL. He just read Heidi in a day. I am not going to let him get too crazy on what books he reads. I want him to get a taste for reading then we will get back to reading GOOD CLASSICS.

My 12y started with diary of a wimpy kid and he has moved up from there to some vampire hunter series (irdk I know I feel horrible for not paying attention)
Have to vent for a min. My dh, 8 year old daughter & i are living with family *sigh* & my mother will NOT get off my *** about sending our daughter to PS. She even says she'll pay for private school. It's pissing me off & she won't quit hounding my daughter about reading. My daughter can read, she just doesn't like to. My mom is obsessed with making sure she knows all the crap they learn in PS at this age. But if I wanted her taught like they do in PS, I'd be sending her there!! We basically unschool. Idk what to do. It's hard enough to have made the decision to HS in the first place. I am always second guessing myself. Of course I want my daughter to be successful or even ahead of where she should be but I don't want her creativity squashed like mine was in PS. My mom has suggested taking her to Kumon which is an after school math & reading program. I wouldn't mind Kumon so much since it's basically just a tutoring program & not all the time. Has anyone one had any experience with Kumon? Maybe it would get her off my back!! :(

First Im unfamiliar with Kumon so I cant help there. But it does sound like a nice option for extra learning, and maybe socializing.

I just wanted to tell you that its ashame when family cant be supportive of decisions that are being made, especially if it something that you, your child and your spouse want to be doing. I know im a stranger to you but trust your decision, and trust that you know whats best for your family. I know its hard to not second guess yourself especially if your always told what your doing isnt best. If you and dh feel its right for your child, and dd enjoys homeschool as well, then theres your answer.

My family doesnt support my desicion either, im always hearing how homeschool kids are weird or messed up and unsocialized. Im always told i shouldnt be doing it and i was wrong for pulling my 14yr old dd last year, my 10yr old dd wants to be homeschooled aswell and my family cant help but comment and say dont do it, it will be damaging to do so. Family... just gotta love em, but you dont always have to agree.
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Thanks is definitely hard when most of your family thinks you're wrong for doing something.
Maybe you should talk with her. Explain how her sending you to PS impacted your decision to HS. Also explain that this is YOUR child and maybe ask her how she would have felt if everyone in her family had done the same thing to her about sending you to PS. I don't have a problem with you sending her to that class but she might see it as giving in and then wanting more.

I don't know how I got so lucky but my whole family is fine with us homeschooling. They might ask me some questions but not critically just for knowledge.
I don't know how I got so lucky but my whole family is fine with us homeschooling. They might ask me some questions but not critically just for knowledge.

You are lucky. None of my family has ever been supportive of us homeschooling either. Its none of their business, so I don't let it get to me, but it's a pain to listen to their unsolicited advice.

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