Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

Sorry, Arielle and Roomonthebroom!Go to plan b or c or d or ....or just stop, grin, get everyone together and quit for the day to get out for a field trip. Sometimes when there are sooo many bumps and curves and *everyone* is grumpy, you just need to get the basics done, toss the rest, pack a lunch or snack and leave. Go to a historical site or call a friend to meet up with or go swimming in the middle of winter. It changes things! The educational world will not cave in snd your child will not fail the next big test.But that stress will lessen and you all will remember that day. Build the memories of homeschooling. Go make a smoke bomb for chemistry and blow it up- preferably outside! Lol. Not in! It takes awhile to clear the house if it goes off inside! Trust me on that one! Lol.
In early years go for learning to read well. Everything else hinges on that. If they can read, then they can begin to learn independently and do their homework independently. But spend the time teaching them in the early years. The minutes add up so fast into the years and soon they will not need you. Find another family to teach together. So one does science and the other does art or ?. It gives you a break and your kids get outside of themselves. Make it fun and worthwhile. My kids best friends came from the coops.
Hugs to you all!

THANK YOU. Even a cyber hug feels great!!!

Working with oldest son has its challenges. He loves his new school, even without supports. Even goes to a new friends house with a bunch of boys to play Magic. Good social time.

Got testing results yesterday---NINE months after completetion of testing. Yup, confirmed everything mom already knows. Nice to know I know as much as the Ph D/ MD's !!!!! But no suggestions on how to help him-- just see you in 2 y ears for reeval.......really? What is the point of testing, if to have no clue what to do with the results.

Son is now 4 th in his class. Told him that number will roller coaster, so not to put too much stock in any changes; hard work and studying will get you far and keep learning.

Attended a pat on the back meeting between local public school teachers and the k-12 state adminitrator. Yes Mass has moved to the top of the testing ranks for all 50 states, and fairly high for the world. I know all the numbers, and so I was not surprized at all. However, I was surprized that meeting was primarily for pats on the back and not to look at what else needs work. At least the superintendent for my district said "Hi" on her way out the door.

After the meeting I have a better understanding of public school. All the emphasis is on raising up the most challenged students,like second language learners, and no effort to support the gifted ones. That is up to the parents.

Kudos to everyone homeschooling!!!!!

Donna, glad to see you are back!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope all the surgeries sent well, give your body time to heal. I know how the chores that have fallen behind are calling......

My youngest participated in the Geo Bee----he studied via National Geographic's fun website. At the state competition, he bombed, lol. But, He learned he is one of 100 students 5-8th grade in Mass that know (maybe know too much) the most geography. If he wants to win next year, he will need to study 24/7 to get all 8 random questions right. ( I think he is done with this GeoBee as he would like to have a well rounded life.)

We walked inside a huge GLOBE, met geography teachers that clearly love teaching. placed sticky notes on a world map where our clothing was made. ( Easy for young kids too), And realized most of these competitiors were BOYS!!!!!

We read National Geo magazine for the captions initally, then maybe the articles which are rather advanced reading. The maps that come in a few rare issues are very intesting though. Was able to tie an old Hawaii an1975 map to current lessons in world discovery/ world history at middle school.

Learning is every where!!!!
Hum... GeoBee hu... never heard of that one. Might be a fun thing to try. Good to see you on here too @Arielle all is getting back to normal... now the garden stuff is taking over my time at the farm. Hubby is picking up the slack with feeding the birds but they are much lower maintenance than they were.
I need to down size my duck population--CL!

Hard to believe your youngest kids are already so old!!! Seems like yesterday they were just starting the HS life.
HI All,
Anyone here have a decent incubator for sale? Or places to go for used ones? Really want to hatch 4-6 eggs. My friend sold his Brinsea so I can't borrow it...wish I had known he was going to sell it! So tempted to make one but that is *not* an area of strength for me and I tend to start things and not finish projects like that.
HI All,
Anyone here have a decent incubator for sale? Or places to go for used ones? Really want to hatch 4-6 eggs. My friend sold his Brinsea so I can't borrow it...wish I had known he was going to sell it! So tempted to make one but that is *not* an area of strength for me and I tend to start things and not finish projects like that.

Not really the thread for asking that. try the buying and selling section.
Hi! Old rooster,not to offend... but as a homeschooling teacher who has done this in the past I thought this would be a great place to ask if a. Anyone had one b. If anyone had good places or advice to find one c. There were not that many in that sale thread (likely unbeknownst to you) when I checked a couple of days ago. D. Most homeschoolers enjoy giving advice, putting ideas out and problem solving.
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Found out that there is a Home School Ball in the fall! Will have to see if DD wants to go to that. Pretty much no dates just everyone getting dressed up and having a blast.

So far she has finished out her Health course. Biology is done too, she sure enjoyed that course. Her German is going great.
Still having a hard time with English so will try something else to get her finished.
Started on US History and is enjoying that.
Having some trouble with her Algebra so back to the kahn academy for some help there.
For my first one, Algebra was not an issue. Second did ok. Third and fourth didn't like it!
And it was really a ton of work to get through it. Both of them still struggle now at community college as their other scores weren't high enough to just take any course-math and others. They may just have to buckle down and take a remedial math to work up to Algebra again. All to say, Hang in there. It is worth struggling through. And after college, they likely will not need it depending on their career.
Speaking of math, what is the general order that math is taken in, middle school through high school. I am not sure the order i should go in for my DD. DD is finishing up her 9th grade year. For her 9th grade math i put her in Geometry and she has done ok, with a little struggle. She did Algebra 1 her 8th grade year and did well, so does she do Algebra II her 10th grade year?

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