Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

Hi All, I just found this thread. We have homeschooled from the start. We are located in E. Washington. Our eldest is a son who is 13--middle child a girl 11 and youngest a girl 9. We have 12 chickens and they all have names! In an earlier post there was a question about an incubator --my son & I made one 2 years ago from a youtube video. It has worked great! we have hatched two batches of chicks, we typically put in 12-15 eggs. Last batch we had 7 roosters ugh! but the kids are asking again to have babies, so we may try a batch after july 4th. I've read a few of the posts here, but I'll have to back track a bit and catch up!

Welcome!!! :welcome
OK. I FINALLY filed my PSA with the state of CA. You'd think I was climbing Everest with the time I've put in stressing out about this... In any case, its done. Now I just need to worry about sending a 16yr old girl off into the (community college) jungle.
Man... I need a hot fudge sundae ... Better make it a double!!!
Yeah...stressful. .....

My oldest 2 are out and about thus summer.....

Eldest almost never drops me a text, second just called me for the first time after having been gone over a month....

Ah, whatever..... I would prefer a bit more of a transition period, verses kid under roof and underfoot to total radio silence.
Yeah...stressful. .....

My oldest 2 are out and about thus summer.....

Eldest almost never drops me a text, second just called me for the first time after having been gone over a month....

Ah, whatever..... I would prefer a bit more of a transition period, verses kid under roof and underfoot to total radio silence.

I'm not ready! :hit
Oh boy! I seem to be in the wrong state... Pennsylvania here.

Can I home-school my little brother? I'm over 21 and he's a few credits shy from graduating. We've tried everything, this would be his last chance since he's not really GED material... I was an aspiring teaching at university for two years before ultimately dropping my duel major program for a single major outside the school of education, if that helps anything.
Oh boy! I seem to be in the wrong state... Pennsylvania here.

Can I home-school my little brother? I'm over 21 and he's a few credits shy from graduating. We've tried everything, this would be his last chance since he's not really GED material... I was an aspiring teaching at university for two years before ultimately dropping my duel major program for a single major outside the school of education, if that helps anything.

Yes...except..... you are in Pennsylvania.

In that state, from what I understand, it will still work out, and you should be able to teach him, but you will have to register at the local public school and actually record hours spent doing "school stuff" and keep samples of his work, etc.

Best bet is to ask at your local public school, or find someone that homeschools near you. Do you belong to a church? Most churches have at least one homeschooling family.
Oh boy! I seem to be in the wrong state... Pennsylvania here.

Can I home-school my little brother? I'm over 21 and he's a few credits shy from graduating. We've tried everything, this would be his last chance since he's not really GED material... I was an aspiring teaching at university for two years before ultimately dropping my duel major program for a single major outside the school of education, if that helps anything.

Hi, I found this on the web. Also Check out they have a section where you can see what it takes to HS in PENN....they will want you to put in an email to get their updates though, you can alwasy unsub the emails later. Also, a state group this group is called Christian homeschool association of Penn. Hope these help...every state is so different from the next. It does sound doable. How honorable of you to try to help out your brother.
Great to see new faces!!!

After about 2 years of no internet we are putting in FIOS, or at least it is ordered. WIll see how intallation goes.
I miss Kahn academy access, I miss free online tutorials.... I miss everything!!

We started learning SPanish as my oldest is in his second year at high school, but the program is very slow. iIgured youngest and I could learn and have all three of us babbling in very bad spanish.

In our local high school ,kids are taking statistics. Calc is really for engineers and the like. I never used it myself. Will try to get my boys Stats next summer over summer recess.

We are studying for the SAT and SSAT. Dang, very tricky questions, not the straight forward type. Knowing math well is not enough, it is about manipulating information, and bringing in other knowledge. ie. In geometry question, the basic formulas for 3-d shapes is provided but NOT how many ounces in a quart.....I suspect much practice to understand the mental manipulation of info will be helpful to get a better score.

Most colleges still use the SAT and ACT, despite endless talk of eliminating them.
Great to see new faces!!!

After about 2 years of no internet we are putting in FIOS, or at least it is ordered. WIll see how intallation goes.
I miss Kahn academy access, I miss free online tutorials.... I miss everything!!

We started learning SPanish as my oldest is in his second year at high school, but the program is very slow. iIgured youngest and I could learn and have all three of us babbling in very bad spanish.

In our local high school ,kids are taking statistics. Calc is really for engineers and the like. I never used it myself. Will try to get my boys Stats next summer over summer recess.

We are studying for the SAT and SSAT. Dang, very tricky questions, not the straight forward type. Knowing math well is not enough, it is about manipulating information, and bringing in other knowledge. ie. In geometry question, the basic formulas for 3-d shapes is provided but NOT how many ounces in a quart.....I suspect much practice to understand the mental manipulation of info will be helpful to get a better score.

Most colleges still use the SAT and ACT, despite endless talk of eliminating them.
once your Internet is on, there is a free SAT site that has free practice tests and questions etc. Super helpful

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