
You mean pruners you use for plants? Interesting. If I ever have to cull a hen, I'll have to have someone else do it. I'm not squeamish, just attached! Lol!
I use an older model of long handle browning game pruners ..they are sharp and it works well.. I do have a cousin that would come over and 'do the deed', but I can do it myself this way
Are there any Urban Homesteaders from Florida on this board? I can only garden a very small section and am not allowed animals in this community so hope to relocate. I can, bake and make soap,salves and such. Wanting to share experiences.
I'm in Jacksonville but have very little land to work with. I do have 4 chickens (11 to start but 6 were Roos and we sold a pullet) and a few small items I'm growing. We are going to get into homesteading when we move and have land
I make my husband cut off the heads. Not because I am squeamish or attached but because I am notoriously clumsy. I am afraid if I took anything sharp to a bird I am the only one who would get cut.
If I must kill the bird I use the broomstick method, no sharp objects there.
I put there head in a plastic (non clear) bag, step gently on their head just enough to hold it and give their body a twist or two. I've done the broom stick method but have pulled of a head or two.. Generally I do it at night with very little light.
I make my husband cut off the heads. Not because I am squeamish or attached but because I am notoriously clumsy. I am afraid if I took anything sharp to a bird I am the only one who would get cut.

If I must kill the bird I use the broomstick method, no sharp objects there.

I put there head in a plastic (non clear) bag, step gently on their head just enough to hold it and give their body a twist or two. I've done the broom stick method but have pulled of a head or two.. Generally I do it at night with very little light. 

I could do that. I might try it next time. But really the cone method with my husband using the knife is so much cleaner. But they are my chickens, so if it is just a cull, it usually falls to me the rake care of it.
I make my husband cut off the heads. Not because I am squeamish or attached but because I am notoriously clumsy. I am afraid if I took anything sharp to a bird I am the only one who would get cut.

If I must kill the bird I use the broomstick method, no sharp objects there.

I put there head in a plastic (non clear) bag, step gently on their head just enough to hold it and give their body a twist or two. I've done the broom stick method but have pulled of a head or two.. Generally I do it at night with very little light. 

I could do that. I might try it next time. But really the cone method with my husband using the knife is so much cleaner. But they are my chickens, so if it is just a cull, it usually falls to me the take care of it.

And I usually do it at night too, but that is because they are so much easier to catch

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