
Was just counting up the chickens harvested this year and it comes to 33 birds, cockerels, pullets and hens. God's provision is GOOD!
I feel like Santa Clause crossed with the mailman. I just drove through a blizzard with my children, mind you, what should have been a 2 hour trip turned into a tear filled 4 hour trip. All to save a dog and her puppies, sounds like a Hallmark movie doesn't it? lol. So as some of you know I am part of a rescue organization that deals with lost and found pets. We got a message pleading for help because her sisters dog, and newborn puppies, were going to be put to sleep over a stupid person who "feared for her safety" because the dogs were in the yard after someone went into their house and left the door open. So naturally the dogs went outside for free time and started playing fetch with a neighbor person with a stick. Suffice to say, i now have 7 day old puppies in my care until the weather clears for them to go to Yakima Wa. If we would not have picked them up last night this little family would have been gone today, it is safe to say this wont happen, they will be going to the best dog trainer to be rehomed once the puppies are old enough. I was bound and determined that nothing would stop me from getting this little family to my house for the night, not wind or snow or bald tires. Got a lecture from hubby once he found out what I did, but he was more concerned about the bad tires than me leaving town just to come home with another dog/8 dogs. He snuggled up with her on the bed and helped move the kennel to the bedroom for me, which is big because he doesn't always agree with my rescues, but he even said he would keep her. She reminds me of my dog, very lovey and sweet, and the markings are similar on the heads.

We got a couple inches of snow last night, nothing to brag about, but now it is time to see how my bunny fared out in the cold and the wind. Going to get some pallets to start my next hutch here in a few days, once our winter storm warning is over. My children are up, it is 5:00 am, so the coffee pot is running and the heaters are on and we are finishing homework that was supposed to be done earlier this week but was missplaced until yesterday....the joys of parenting. God Bless you guys, and I hope your toes stay toasty and the coffee mugs full.
Lol hey @Beekissed and @duluthralphie, got a joke for ya ;)

There's this scientist, and he doesn't believe in God. Says he can create life from nothing, just like God did, so God challenges him to a contest. If he can create life in 24 hours, he wins, and proves that man is as good as God. The scientist is pretty sure he's got this won, so he goes to his lab and grabs a handful of soil, and God says, "No, no. GET YOUR OWN DIRT!"

:D :D

I have 2 chihuahuas. If I left them outside they'd be dead in an hour. They're chihuahuas, I live in Colorado, not Mexico lol... I did that, bringing little Mexican dogs up here to freeze. Me. Man( woMAN) ;)

Horses, we wouldn't have the American quarter horse if it wasn't for selective breeding but we wouldn't have them without the mustang. I don't know anything about dogs, but I know a zebras a horse, a mustang is a horse, a mule is what happens when you breed a donkey, which is a horse, with a quarter horse... Along that line, God didn't make a mule either. He made horses and we used them to make mules. Still Gods creation, just messed with by us ;)

Just making a point, that we as humans, can alter Gods creations to fit our needs. That's why he made us superior over them, to tame them, use for our discretion. We work WITH God not against him in competition, eh? ;)
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I am sorry if I offended you, I simply do not believe the way you do. I find the facts to be slightly different.

I think your statement about scientist agreeing on the origin of dogs is more than a little misleading to those not knowing better.

The link above deals with dogs creation/evolution.
it says :

The dog, Canis familiaris, is a direct descendent of the gray wolf, Canis lupus: In other words, dogs as we know them are domesticated wolves

There are many living things which have evolved into the "species" we know it as today by mans meddling in God's creations.

To name a few:

Round up ready Oats
round up ready Beans.
Carrots (Mendel one of God's monks made these)..

Also I do not see where you said dogs that are outside dogs.

I see this: "Dogs are supposed to be outside"

No qualifiers, no mention of outdoor and indoor dogs. So I will remain to feel stung by you.

Have a great day and a merry Christmas.
Thanks for the friendly discussion. We will just have to agree to not agree.

( I am done on this topic.)
I can agree to disagree with all of that!

Not that I believe any of the claptrap about animals evolving into another species, but the much loved scientific opinions that many believe are starting to change their stories:

Additionally, the scientists did not see a clear evidence linking dogs to any of the living wolves that were sampled.

I guess scientists just can't agree on what they make up about how dogs got here.
Our Tennessee mountain cur definitely prefers to be outside. He started out inside and was good for the first yr, then whining and pacing all night every night. Working long hours with no sleep, I kicked him out, seems happier out there. DW has made me bring him in a few times through the yrs when it gets down below zero, 25-30 below windchill. He might make it through one or two nights, then back to the pacing and whining, out you go!
I have two outside, a beagle also, bring her in during winter and she will pant tongue hanging out like we keep our house over a hundred or something.
They like it outside where they can smell and listen, haven't ever had a predator attack on our chickens. I understand what your saying Bee, I hear it, what do you call it, back handed remarks? And then the news, any time we have a hard freeze always someone on TV saying keeping dogs outside in winter is abuse....
Buddy of mine down the road was turned in by someone for having his donkey outside in the elements, guess someone driving by or a neighbor didn't like seeing the thing standing out in the snow day after day and thought it was being abused. State Troopers visited him, he said the donkey has shelter, a shed it goes in sometimes, ain't his fault the dumb thing stands out in blizzards. Then he asked the trooper, what about those cows right there over the valley, they only have shelter when their milking!? Trooper left without giving him the ticket.

Don't get me wrong, we like a inside dog, have had a boxer, a lab, now a little tiny mutt inside. I have to force that mini pin/bichon out in the morning.
Those other two though guess they don't like lounging on the couch and watching TV.
Lol hey @Beekissed and @duluthralphie , got a joke for ya

There's this scientist, and he doesn't believe in God. Says he can create life from nothing, just like God did, so God challenges him to a contest. If he can create life in 24 hours, he wins, and proves that man is as good as God. The scientist is pretty sure he's got this won, so he goes to his lab and grabs a handful of soil, and God says, "No, no. GET YOUR OWN DIRT!"


I have 2 chihuahuas. If I left them outside they'd be dead in an hour. They're chihuahuas, I live in Colorado, not Mexico lol... I did that, bringing little Mexican dogs up here to freeze. Me. Man( woMAN)

Horses, we wouldn't have the American quarter horse if it wasn't for selective breeding but we wouldn't have them without the mustang. I don't know anything about dogs, but I know a zebras a horse, a mustang is a horse, a mule is what happens when you breed a donkey, which is a horse, with a quarter horse... Along that line, God didn't make a mule either. He made horses and we used them to make mules. Still Gods creation, just messed with by us

Just making a point, that we as humans, can alter Gods creations to fit our needs. That's why he made us superior over them, to tame them, use for our discretion. We work WITH God not against him in competition, eh?

Like the joke!

You know, my sister had Boston Terriers, and you know how thin a coat they have...always kept them inside..they couldn't STAND to go outdoors in the winter. Then she got married again to a fellow that wouldn't allow them in the house....being outside all the time, they grew coats that were fit for wearing outdoors and thrived out there like crazy! They keep all the rats and mice killed on the farm and out of the barns, run and play out there all winter just like ordinary dogs.

I'm betting your chi-hua-huas would do the same and be just like any other dog once they experience it.

Even my outside cat can't stay in the house very long in the winter time....just too hot for them, with their winter time coats.
I don't think scientists agree on ANYTHING, Bee :D

We could go all day about evolution vs adaptation, flood vs meteors, billions of years lost on the stupid dinosaurs :p

It's already written down in a big book for convenience, but scientists just have "theories"../

Definition of theory? A guess. They're just guessing lol :p

Lol I don't know about our of them would be fine, but the other one is a tiny little rat like thing; she'd probably get eaten :D
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