
We just made a great score! We were driving home after delivering 3 cases of our jams to a local store when we passed a nursery that had a huge sign saying "Big Slate Blowout". So, we turned around and went back. They had, on 5 pallets, a little over 600 square feet of Vermont slate cut into 2' x 2', 2' x 1' and 1' x 1' pieces, all 1" thick and this image.

It usually goes for $8.00 a square foot, but we got the whole lot for $2.00 per square foot...just a bit over $1200. This may sound like a lot, and it is for us, but we have always wanted to build slate paths between our 2 large sheds, chicken coop, and future green house, and house, but always thought we could never afford it. $4800 worth of finished slate for $1200. The owner even waved the $100 delivery fee. We have enough to build over 300' of 2' wide paths now. We are so excited!
We just made a great score! We were driving home after delivering 3 cases of our jams to a local store when we passed a nursery that had a huge sign saying "Big Slate Blowout". So, we turned around and went back. They had, on 5 pallets, a little over 600 square feet of Vermont slate cut into 2' x 2', 2' x 1' and 1' x 1' pieces, all 1" thick and this image.

It usually goes for $8.00 a square foot, but we got the whole lot for $2.00 per square foot...just a bit over $1200. This may sound like a lot, and it is for us, but we have always wanted to build slate paths between our 2 large sheds, chicken coop, and future green house, and house, but always thought we could never afford it. $4800 worth of finished slate for $1200. The owner even waved the $100 delivery fee. We have enough to build over 300' of 2' wide paths now. We are so excited!

We just made a great score! We were driving home after delivering 3 cases of our jams to a local store when we passed a nursery that had a huge sign saying "Big Slate Blowout". So, we turned around and went back. They had, on 5 pallets, a little over 600 square feet of Vermont slate cut into 2' x 2', 2' x 1' and 1' x 1' pieces, all 1" thick and this image.

It usually goes for $8.00 a square foot, but we got the whole lot for $2.00 per square foot...just a bit over $1200. This may sound like a lot, and it is for us, but we have always wanted to build slate paths between our 2 large sheds, chicken coop, and future green house, and house, but always thought we could never afford it. $4800 worth of finished slate for $1200. The owner even waved the $100 delivery fee. We have enough to build over 300' of 2' wide paths now. We are so excited!

Wow, that's amazing! I would love to put paths from our house to the barn, green house and coops although ours is pretty far. I bet that will look great!
Hey, I just found this thread. I'm starting a small scale homestead here. I have an acre and a half, but a lot of it is wooded. I started my very first vegetable garden this year (and actually grew food! Yayyy me!) We're actually down to five hens and a rooster and are looking to add ducks to our flock this spring.

I would love any and all tips you wonderful people have!!!! I love reading others experiences in homesteading!
I am a homestead wanna be. I plant a large garden grind flour and bake bread. I hang my cloths on the line (weather permitting) I just received 43 chicks for meat and eggs. I want to be free of chemicals the factories try to feed us! My reason is health, for my husband, myself, family and for the animals to be raised humanely.I also work full time as a package car driver. I am currently home due to a broken leg. (horse fell on me) I think that it is great you are doing what you are doing!! Being close to the earth is so healthy in so many ways!! Hope to talk to you again
Your reasons sound like my own. I'm so tired of everything being coated with chemicals, and I'm fructose intolerant so I can't have anything with HFCS in it.
Hey, I just found this thread. I'm starting a small scale homestead here. I have an acre and a half, but a lot of it is wooded. I started my very first vegetable garden this year (and actually grew food! Yayyy me!) We're actually down to five hens and a rooster and are looking to add ducks to our flock this spring.

I would love any and all tips you wonderful people have!!!! I love reading others experiences in homesteading!
Welcome to this thread!
Most of my property is wooded also, but you'll be amazed with what you can do on a small piece of land. Great to hear about your veggie garden. What veggies did you grow? We just built 4 raised gardens for next year's veggies, and I am shopping for organic seeds and sets.
Hope we hear a lot from you, Lizard Lady.

Great dinner tonight. We had an organic roast chicken, cauliflower "mashed potatoes" with roasted garlic, and organic asparagus! I am NOT a cauliflower person, but this recipe was great. It was delish!
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Did you know HFCS is totally banned in Europe due to health concerns?? Not to mention that most corn in the US is now apparently GMO stock
Yep one word-MONSANTO! Oh I did my college thesis on GMO and the crap MONSANTO (and a few others) have gotten away with is criminal! Our food supply is dangerously in the hands of greedy corporations. The stuff I dug up took hours and hours of research that most people are too lazy to look for or they just don't know how. I cant wait for my garden to start!!!!

Oh BTW native corns are not going to look or taste the way we are used to them tasting-they are not as sweet and the colors are a lot different. I would grow it if I could!-Desert wont grow corn.
I have a friend who can't eat store bought eggs. He gets sick. He can however eat my chickens eggs. I'm not organic so it must be something they're feeding them in the commercial farm. Even Egglands Best makes him sick.

I have read an article too of a woman who had allergic reaction to store bought egg too.

I realize I can't do everything but my motto is to do what you can.

On that note I will also say there are lots of forums on the web. Pick the one you like and stick with that or you will spend more time on line than in the garden. Baker Creek carries a good supply of a large variety of seeds. Of course there are many catalogs out there too.

As for chickens there are lots of opinions, but do what you feel is best. Pick the breeds (plural) that are good for your part of the country.

I have a friend in Israel who can't do Brahmas cuz it's too hot over there. Stories has a great book on breeds. I use my public library a great deal for research.

Lizard Lady you would be surprised at what you can do with a little land, so be encouraged.

I wish you well,,


Here's Cocoa doing much better thanks to the goat lady at goat-link she was soooooo helpful. She's standing in her own now still not walking great but alert and happy! No more diarrhea either! Calling the vet in the morning to get Bo-se just in case it's WMD. But we are in love!

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