
I found a new recipe for zucchini sausage soup this year I've canned it but the weather is just now getting cold enough for soup! Will let you know how it turns out !
I found a new recipe for zucchini sausage soup this year I've canned it but the weather is just now getting cold enough for soup! Will let you know how it turns out !

sounds great!! If it turns out well, can you be bribed for the recipe??
Okra can be frozen and you can also use it in soups that can be canned or frozen. Canning is not hard if you follow the directions and pay attention. (don't leave things unattended).

Most folks only know zucchini bread but zucchine can be shredded and frozen too. Also I have a recipe for Zucchini Orange Marmalade. Uses four cups of lightly packed Zucchini.

Also have Zucchini green bean chutney, Sweet Zucchini Relish, Yellow Squash and tomato chutney. Point being you will want to try different recipes.

DW made Pigs in a blanket with tomatoes I put up and froze some for later use. Though there are many things that can be canned.

I hope to get a small generator just for the freezer and sump pump for when the power goes out and will be out for an extended period.

Three books I recommend:

We Sure Can, how jams and pickles are reviving the lure and lore of local food.

250 Home Preserving favorites

Preserve it! bottled fruits jams & jellies, pickles , cured meats.

Now remember you might be able to trade or sell you extra produce.

I wish you well,

Oh how I love you! I actually didn't know how many zucchini recipes there were! I don't have a pressure canner right now, so I've been freezing my excess. Hoping to have one by next growing season, though!
I would love to see pics and hear about everyone's homesteading. I only started last year. I have hens, one rooster, and I'm planning on adding ducks in the spring. I had a garden this spring, and was growing herbs. I'm already planning for next year, including changing some things up to avoid losing so much to my free range chickens!
Great idea lizard lady! I would also like to know where people are from! As I wouldn't be able to help newbie32 out much on what to plant as they live in the desert. I live in western Kentucky!
Great idea lizard lady! I would also like to know where people are from! As I wouldn't be able to help newbie32 out much on what to plant as they live in the desert. I live in western Kentucky!
I'm in a rural part of middle Missouri. It's on the eastern side of the state.
I would love to see pics and hear about everyone's homesteading. I only started last year. I have hens, one rooster, and I'm planning on adding ducks in the spring. I had a garden this spring, and was growing herbs. I'm already planning for next year, including changing some things up to avoid losing so much to my free range chickens!

Have you seen my rustic fencing? It works great for most of mine. I do open the gate in the fall and let them glean what they like. They ate all the parsley. I forgot about that but I have more planted in a pot.
Be sure to plant more than one variety of stuff so if one fails the other might succeed.


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