
Changing topics a bit. We were going to put in raised beds this year after having little success in ground last year. Then on CL we found "free hay" which I figured was mis-listed and was actually going to be free straw. And we decided to do some straw bale gardening but we would put the bales in and build the beds around them and then let the bales compost in place, and go from there after this season.

But as with most things free you get what you pay for. It is hay, and the bales have come apart so instead of standing on ends we had to separate the slices and lay flat.

Can I get some thoughts on "haybale" gardening and since we cannot really dig down some as you would on the cut end of a full bale, ideas as to getting our plants to take???

Some folks do "bag" gardening, where they garden right into the soil that an option?

You could always pile that mulch hay on your raised beds and let it compost down, creating you some new soil. I'd not worry about "hay seeds" sprouting...we've used old hay for mulch for many a long year and have never had a hay seed sprout and take hold in the garden. If you see something growing in the hay you just plop down a flake of hay on top of it and smother it. Simple.
Thanx Beekissed. We have seen this in the past and two main reasons for us to stay away. Heat beating on the bag just makes our granola brains think of stuff leeching from the bag to our plants. And the barrier of the bottom of the bag stopping us from getting deeper roots. Hoping to use the hay as at least part of the growing medium.
I use old cement drainage tiles I found on my property. They are 10 or 12 inches and work great for the big CXs. I just set them on a paper feed sack to soak up the fluid. I have someone hold the bird while I remove the head with my knife then it gets slotted head down into the tile.
Thanx Beekissed. We have seen this in the past and two main reasons for us to stay away. Heat beating on the bag just makes our granola brains think of stuff leeching from the bag to our plants. And the barrier of the bottom of the bag stopping us from getting deeper roots. Hoping to use the hay as at least part of the growing medium.

Gotcha. Maybe laying down your hay flakes in the raised beds, putting a layer of soil on top, planting into that and then covering your soil with more flakes of hay to retain the moisture there?
A homestead thread very nice. I am a stay at home father of 5. Childcare and the food bill far exceeded my wage. I quit a career of 15 yrs about 2 years back with no regrets yet. I am no expert but you are welcome to learn from my mistakes. I have 15 chickens about 1 yr old, a 1/4 acre garden (we plant the corn, pumpkins, squash etc. in the field). I have the fence up for the beef cattle, just could not pony up the cash for the quality of animals I want (next year). We make maple syrup too. I am going to add 9 more chickens this spring and hope to get at least 2 beef cows by fall. I have never sold anything at a farmers market so selling eggs there is on the bucket list as well.
A homestead thread very nice. I am a stay at home father of 5. Childcare and the food bill far exceeded my wage. I quit a career of 15 yrs about 2 years back with no regrets yet. I am no expert but you are welcome to learn from my mistakes. I have 15 chickens about 1 yr old, a 1/4 acre garden (we plant the corn, pumpkins, squash etc. in the field). I have the fence up for the beef cattle, just could not pony up the cash for the quality of animals I want (next year). We make maple syrup too. I am going to add 9 more chickens this spring and hope to get at least 2 beef cows by fall. I have never sold anything at a farmers market so selling eggs there is on the bucket list as well.

Hi 5Sons,

Welcome to the Homestead thread. There are some nice people here with plenty of good information. We too, learn from one another's successes and failures or mistakes, but keep on working at it. You should fit in right well!

So thank you for the tip of Hoovers! Just got my chicks today and they all look great. These are half Dixie Rainbow and half Red Ranger.

I did have three that were very weak, but honey water and a hot pad has seemed to perk them back up.

Very happy at this point with Hoovers.
So thank you for the tip of Hoovers! Just got my chicks today and they all look great. These are half Dixie Rainbow and half Red Ranger.

I did have three that were very weak, but honey water and a hot pad has seemed to perk them back up.

Very happy at this point with Hoovers.

Glad you like them! I have an order coming from Hoovers next week and one in april

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