
I'm not sure. I'd go ahead and give the ebay a try. I was just wondering if you had a local friend with an acct. I don't know about ebay but CL and Amazon cost for an acct. Worth it if you use several times a year. But if your like me and the one time a year isn't worth it. My neighbor has a free shipping with amazon.
I think it only costs money if you are selling certain items, and if you are a dealer // I sell on craigslist all the time from a free account, I have never paid a penny // buying and reselling on cl is how i have made a lot of my money this past 5 years
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Yes she did, didn't she. Lots of businesses got started out of need. I've some 1919 Ag newspapers and they load with stories on how to make money. Fact is so are the old Work Basket magazines I have. Seems to me women have been running their own businesses and in the business world longer than we think. Remember "Pin Money"?


The hay above is from 2015. Still green, moist, and the blossoms are still on the alfalfa all reasons we use a sickle mower to cut hay. The stack maker also helps a lot in layering the hay!

The hay above is from 2015. Still green, moist, and the blossoms are still on the alfalfa all reasons we use a sickle mower to cut hay. The stack maker also helps a lot in layering the hay!
If you don't mind my asking what is a stack maker? We have been searching for an inexpensive way of haying our property since we don't have enough land to make it work the farmers bringing out their big equipment. We only need around 30 bales of hay a winter give or take. We have a 10 acre field that we would like to use to make hay. I was looking at the sickle mowers and they may be a good option.
If you don't mind my asking what is a stack maker?   We have been searching for an inexpensive way of haying our property since we don't have enough land to make it work the farmers bringing out their big equipment.   We only need around 30 bales of hay a winter give or take.   We have a 10 acre field that we would like to use to make hay.    I was looking at  the sickle mowers and they may be a good option.  

Sickle mower all the way.

I am not sure how many bales are in the stack.. we thought 3 but our tractor which can pick up 2 large bales with the loader can't pick a whole small stack so now we think there's much more...
We got ours for $300, and the bed for moving them was my grandpa's and he gave it to us




And this is the only picture I could find of the bed. If you're only wanting 30 baked it should only be 10 stacks or less so no need for the bed just haul them home on the stack maker


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Never had seen or even heard of such a thing!!!  Thanks for showing it here...will look into those and learn more.  What a neato gadget! 

I just thought of this, from what you said earlier on only having a 10 acre field, and the amount of hay you're hoping to make. To operate and pull the stack maker you need a bigger sized tractor. The stacks plus machine probably weigh over a ton. And I can not remember how many hydraulic hoses it has but I'm Pretty sure it's 4.
Searched for gallon glass jars after putting away eight gallons of sauerkraut (and it turned out yummy!!) with only one gallon jar and two tall half gallon ones and a bunch of quarts.....still have a few gallon ones with pickles in them. Need more gallon jars, most of mine are hand me downs. Saw it was actually cheaper to buy gallons of pickles at the dollar store than to buy the jugs...but what do you do with those nasty pickles..? Got to be cheaper somewhere just for the glass.
Found this site, $4.05 a piece if you buy just four, $2.60 a piece if you buy a pallet of 144.... Wonder how many I could sell on Craig's List, Pennysaver, etc?
They also have Ball jars and all sorts of plastic containers.
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Saw this, this morn had to take a pic, cool 'truck'! Bad rd and it was a rockin, lost some bales. I may or may not have picked one out of the rd on the way back through :oops:

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