
Otter enjoying some fresh grass over at the neighbor's house. Tried to mow her yard and broke my mower instead, so bunny power it is. what kind of chicken lays a purple egg? I opened up a dozen eggs that I got from a friend and there was a purple one. I'm going to be sad to cook it since I have never seen a purple egg before.

Otter enjoying some fresh grass over at the neighbor's house. Tried to mow her yard and broke my mower instead, so bunny power it is. what kind of chicken lays a purple egg? I opened up a dozen eggs that I got from a friend and there was a purple one. I'm going to be sad to cook it since I have never seen a purple egg before.
When I first mowed my over grown yard, I raised the deck to as high as I could and took my time. I did a little each day. We'd gone on vacations for six weeks and my SIL did not mow the grass like I'd expected.

We have the kind of mower where you pull on the string, well I pulled so hard that the string came out. So it died, I am not mechanical so I don't even try to fix it, that is Hubby's job. He worked on it today while I had an executive meeting at a local fast food joint.
We have the kind of mower where you pull on the string, well I pulled so hard that the string came out. So it died, I am not mechanical so I don't even try to fix it, that is Hubby's job. He worked on it today while I had an executive meeting at a local fast food joint.
Well Hubby got a new mower, going to bring it home tonight. Dad says he can fix the mower but Hubby says he can't that I broke it beyond repair...on the upside I should have some baby bunnies in a couple of weeks and puppies!! Dad has been going stir crazy at the house so my chicken area is ready for the coop and run to be put in. He hauled off 3 trailers full and a pickup bed full of stuff to the recylers, all scrap iron or garbage. The wood and boards he chopped up and burned in the fireplace. Now to see if he will listen to me about needing a door to go into the run to feed and what not. My plan is to have food and water outside on the grass elevated so they don't scratch it all over the place and waste that right? The coop is pretty big but I think food and water outside will be better in the long run.
I got two bunnies for free and then decided to not keep them but the kids are having a fit. These are not little kids these are my adult kids. Both girls as far as I know.
I love my bunnies, they are so cute and not so cuddly. But I don't mind that they are not cuddly as I am allergic to their fur, but they do wonders for my garden. Build a pen and put wire on the bottom and you can feed them for free from your yard, and if you are lucky a bag of food will last forever.
I got two bunnies for free and then decided to not keep them but the kids are having a fit. These are not little kids these are my adult kids. Both girls as far as I know.
I read this the first time thinking you were referring to your adult kids!

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