homework based on chickens, need help

With enough "filler"phrases, such as "in my opinion" or "through my research, I've discovered," and other fluff, I think I could cut and paste your reply into nearly two paragraphs to turn in for the assignment.

But help away if you believe you're furthering this student's education.

Well, It could maybe have something in there like this,

As chickens free range, their poo make good fertilizer and they do trim lawns sometimes. You should clean your chicken coop about once every two-three weeks.
I would help if I knew any of the answers, but I am still trying to figure out who the experts here are, would that be the person with the MOST chickens, Preatiest Chickens, Coolest Avatar, or just the first on to answer the question. I would ask, but then I would be told to search elsewhere.

Maybe he/she should ask the REAL chicken experts. Its in black and white, so it cant be wrong. http://www.chickenexperts.com/

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