~*Honey's Life*~ A Story of a Duck

pekinduck<3er :

~Chapter 3

.......I heard screams by the lake last night,and alot of snaps and growls....." Croc said sadly looking down.
Honey had felt bad that she left them,but was glas that some made it.
Croc looked in the sky "The sun is high today so I can teach you alot,becuase..well you mother can't" He said and walked off to the lake.
Honey,Buffy,Blueberry and Trouble all followed him down to the lake.
When Croc got there he was dipped into the somewhat warm lake water.
Croc let out a grunt as he felt relaxed in the water.
His feather had a Green sheen to them and his red eyes shined in the sun making them look scarier.
Though Honey and the rest thought he was normal.
Honey and her siblings plopped themselves into the water and cleaned themselves off and dove underwater.
"Okay today i'll teach you about Animals" Croc said
Honey and her siblings nodded and watched.
Croc swam over to some lilypads and caught a frog,he showed it to them "This is a Frog" he said and let it hop off on land.
Honey thought the odd creature was cool,so she followed it.
But then she met a hard animal.
Croc went over "This is called a Turtle!Watch out though they eat ducklings" he said as the turtle dove into the water quickly.
Croc swam around looking and came upon a fish nest "These are Bass" he said and poked at one and it swam away fast.
Buffy was scared of it since it was way larger than her,she quickly went over to croc and stayed by his side.
Croc smiled slightly but then swam over to another Mallard mother nest.

The mother growled fiercly and covered her 9 babies as they hid underneath of her.
"We are'nt going to hurt you young,I'm just teaching these ones the world" Croc said smoothly.
The mother mallard nodded abd let her young come out,they all peeped happily and ran around their mother playfully.
Honey watched sadly as she missed her mother dearly.
Buffy,Trouble and Blueberry ran over and played with the ducklings while Honey stayed behind with Croc.
"Could I...Uh take a nap right now?" Said Honey
Croc nodded and Honey dozed off next to him dreaming about her mother....
To be Continued....

~Chapet 4

(In Honey's dream)
Honey was walking around in the forest, suddenly she hears a Flapping noise and looks up.
She sees her Mother and smiles and run towards her mother yelling "Mother!Mother!You've came back!" as she did she heard a shot and her mother fell to the ground.
She ran over but heard barking and ran into a bush nearby,she watched quietly in the bushes about to burst out crying.
Black big dogs ran over and picked up her mother and ran off, she wanted to follow but knew it would'nt help.
She cried out and ran to where her mother was just picked up, then one of the dogs came back and pounced biting her.
(End of dream)

Honey woke up screaming, Croc looked over a little shocked but made a low grunt.
What's wrong?" Croc asked looking at her with a brow cocked.
Honey shook her head and looked at him in a frightened yet okay look in her eyes.
Croc nodded and walked over to her siblings "we must go now it's getting darka and this Mother has to go now" He said and walked towards his hole that was a few feet away.
Honey and her siblings followed but looked behind them and waved a goodbye,all the ducklings made an "Aww" sound but quickly followed their mother as she walked into the Dark and mysterious Forest.
Croc went into the Hole and stopped halfway through the tunnel and stayed their sitting down,Honey and her siblings just went to the back of the tunnel and slept dreaming about all that they learned today.​
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