Honking chicken


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 24, 2008
Northeast Florida
I've got a brown leghorn pullet who honks. I have 7 chickens about 3 months old, and all of them make clucking and peeping sounds, but my one honks--she sounds like a little goose! I'm assuming this is normal, anyone else have honking chickens?
My three BO chicks last year honked
My buff brahma honks so loudly I thought she was choking the first time she did it. Now I am used to it, some of them have very unique voices and use certain sounds the others don't. We have one partridge cochin that my husband calls Barbra Steisand because she is so dramatic and loud.
Actually we've started referring to our pullets (also around 3 months old) as "the geese" since they honk too. We've also speculated that they might have swallowed bicycle horns!

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