****HOOOWWOOOooooo**** ~ Awesome Coyote RP ~

Name: Clover
Gender: female
Pack: Toyota
Rank: beta
Mate: Loki (maybe)
Personality: hyper and easily distracted. Friendly and quirky but is good at fighting and hunting and is good at being tough on enemies and strangers.
Physical description: midnight black with icy blue eyes. Has a lightly shaggy "mane" and is slightly bigger then an average coyote
Other: chews on clovers and other plants when bored or nervous

Name: Fenrir
Gender: Male
Pack: Toyota coyote pack
Rank: Alpha (if it pleases the Angel)
Mate: Angel (if accepted as a worthy mate)
Personality: Easygoing, passionate. Is loyal to the end and will protect what he loves with his life if necessary, including his pack and mate.
Physical description: Midnight black with some wine red mixed in, green eyes. Larger than most coyotes. Almost wolfish in both size and appearance, easily mistaken for one from afar.
Other: Amazing hunter and loyal protector

Will post pics tomorrow or next day depending on when it is finished

Accepted! Sounds like a perfect match for Angel, but we'll see! ;)
name : scar
Pack:mountain coyote pack ( can I make my own pack ? If not could I be a beta? )
Rank: alpha ( of mcp if it's possible (or a beta) )
Mate : looking
Personality : strong , good leader , charming , loyal , fierce .
Physical description: pure white fur , light blue eyes , very large, a scar runs across his left eye .

Optional : loves rabbit , loves kids and hates mud . The scar is from a fight with a bear , ( he won)

Sorry, you're not accepted. Please go back and edit your form. I will only be accepted coyotes made in the Toyota Coyote Pack. Also, let me see.... know, we have 3 betas already. Sorry about that. If you edit your form it will be great to have you in the RP! He can be a higher mid-ranker?
Name: Aspen
Gender: female
Pack: Toyota coyote pack
Rank: beta
Mate: searching
Personality: Kind, loyal, a decent hunter, sometimes cautious around strangers, and sometimes playful
Physical description: silver and red coat with small black tail tip and brown eyes
Other: Likes to swim if it's hot enough.

( I’m not mentally able to join any more roleplays as of right now, sorry :(. I’ve had a lot of personal issues in my life lately, hence why I haven’t really been on for the past couple days, and my brain can’t handle it.)

(I hope what ever it is gets better, so sorry. :( )

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