****HOOOWWOOOooooo**** ~ Awesome Coyote RP ~

"Emira. That's a lovely name." Morrigan had noticed her slight limp, and kept a slow pace. Though she wished she could run like she longed to, she didn't want to further irritate any injury Emira had sustained, whether it was old or new. "Thank you for joining me. Most of the pack doesn't want much to do with lower rankers, so I was suprised, to say the least."
Emira thanked her for her compliment and returned the gesture, “Your name is quite lovely as well.” she told her, observing the darkness of Morrigans pelt, with the deepest undertones of brown that shimmered when the sunlight hit it. Her golden brown eyes widened a bit at the mention of lower rankers. She would have guessed Morrigan was of higher rank than herself, not equals. “It’s no problem, I’m a lower ranker myself..” she admitted, glancing towards the ground. “But hey, us lower rankers have to stick together right?” she smiled, nudging Morrigan with her body playfully.

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