****HOOOWWOOOooooo**** ~ Awesome Coyote RP ~

Amber made her way to Orchid's den. Seeing her, she exclaimed, "Orchid! There you are! I was looking everywhere for you."
Orchid flattened her ears in a happy way and wagged her tail a little, "You didn't forget about me?" She asked, tears in her eyes.
"come on then." Sliver said, holding back a smile.
"Silver and I are going hunting now, so I guess I'll see you later then?" Orchid continued, starting to follow Silver out of the den.
Orchid flattened her ears in a happy way and wagged her tail a little, "You didn't forget about me?" She asked, tears in her eyes.
Amber laughed. "Forget about you? You're my only friend! Sorry I didn't come earlier. A lot happened since the storm. When I got back to camp, I had to take care of my little cousins and get them settled - long story. Anyway, why didn't you answer when I called? Was I not loud enough?"
Orchid flattened her ears in a happy way and wagged her tail a little, "You didn't forget about me?" She asked, tears in her eyes.

"Silver and I are going hunting now, so I guess I'll see you later then?" Orchid continued, starting to follow Silver out of the den.
"Oh, bye then!" Amber called after Orchid then went to check on Violet and Oak.
Emira thanked her for her compliment and returned the gesture, “Your name is quite lovely as well.” she told her, observing the darkness of Morrigans pelt, with the deepest undertones of brown that shimmered when the sunlight hit it. Her golden brown eyes widened a bit at the mention of lower rankers. She would have guessed Morrigan was of higher rank than herself, not equals. “It’s no problem, I’m a lower ranker myself..” she admitted, glancing towards the ground. “But hey, us lower rankers have to stick together right?” she smiled, nudging Morrigan with her body playfully.
Morrigan looked at Emira, unable to mask a grin at her playful behavior. "You're quite right. If we stick together, the bossy higher ranks won't bully us as much." Her gaze found Emira's, being cautious were she set her slow steps, watching as the sunlight hit her eyes, catching on the golden flecks. A breeze brought along the scent of rabbits, and when she caught it, she pulled her gaze away from Emira and towards the direction of the scent. She glanced back at Emira, keeping her voice low. "Are you up to a little bit of rabbit hunting?" She questioned, grinning.

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