****HOOOWWOOOooooo**** ~ Awesome Coyote RP ~

Crystal trotted around camp, feeling sad and bored. She hadn't seen anyone recently in her rank to talk to. And she was constantly hungry. Not to mention her shoulder ached horribly and gave her fresh pain with each step. Stop being so down, Crystal! Think of all the things you do have. You're not dying, you have a pack that risked their lives to help you recover from the hunter's attack, you get to eat, you're not an Omega...there are so many things to be grateful for, not sit around sulking! Crystal thought to herself.
Emira felt satisfied that Morrigan followed her way of thinking. She was always too much of a coward to actually make a stand against them, but she was starting to gain confidence from being around Crystal and Morrigan. She was taken from her thoughts when Morrigan questioned her. Emira gave a nod, grinning herself. “You know it” she answered enthusiastically, and bounded off, tracking down the scent of the rabbits. As she ran, there was a subtle ‘clicking sound’ in her right elbow— the leg she limped on.
Morrigan grinned, taking off after her. Her long strides quickly over took Emira, but she made sure to not completely bolt off without her. She slowed as they reached a small dip in the land, she spotted the colony of rabbits through the bushes. It was going to be difficult, they were right beside their warren, but it was possible to pick off a few stragglers. She flicked her tail to the other of the bushes, indicating for Emira to go that way.
Morrigan grinned, taking off after her. Her long strides quickly over took Emira, but she made sure to not completely bolt off without her. She slowed as they reached a small dip in the land, she spotted the colony of rabbits through the bushes. It was going to be difficult, they were right beside their warren, but it was possible to pick off a few stragglers. She flicked her tail to the other of the bushes, indicating for Emira to go that way.
Emira followed after Morrigan insistently until coming upon the colony of rabbits. She gave a nod in understanding at Morrigans sign and actively took that route. She lowered herself to the ground when she reached the bushes, and grew closer to where the rabbits were. Keeping quiet and her elbow no longer popping, she waited for the right moment to strike.

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