****HOOOWWOOOooooo**** ~ Awesome Coyote RP ~

Emira followed after Morrigan insistently until coming upon the colony of rabbits. She gave a nod in understanding at Morrigans sign and actively took that route. She lowered herself to the ground when she reached the bushes, and grew closer to where the rabbits were. Keeping quiet and her elbow no longer popping, she waited for the right moment to strike.
Morrigan crouched a bit away from the bush, her muzzle lowered as she watched the rabbits through narrowed eyes. Her muscles tensed, careful not to move too many leaves with her tail. She had her eyes set on a single rabbit, a rather large buck that didn't seem like he would be able to move that fast. Without a whisper of warning, she sprung, clearing the bush in a single bound. Rabbits scattered each way as she landed, surprisingly graceful for her size, some smart enough to run towards their warren and other stupid enough to flee towards Emira and the surrounding area. She pounced, grabbing the giant buck rabbit by the scruff and slamming it down, stilling it with a massive paw as she snapped its neck with her jaws.
Orchid heard Silver stop and sat to wait. Eventually she laid down and just waited ears perked and listening to the forest around her, looking for prey.

Fenrir yawned and stretched, wincing a little at the pain in his paw. He gave his self inflicted wound a lick and headed out, his tail and head hanging low. He wanted to spend time with his mate but she wasn't around. The wolf pups had left a void in him, that Amber's cousins did not help with, if anything they made it bigger. Clover being pregnant had done the same and he suspected that Aspen was pregnant as well, she was acting very similar to Clover lately. He didn't make it too far out of the den and he slumped down. He didn't want to be out of the den but he needed to be there just in case someone needed him.
Orchid heard Silver stop and sat to wait. Eventually she laid down and just waited ears perked and listening to the forest around her, looking for prey.

Fenrir yawned and stretched, wincing a little at the pain in his paw. He gave his self inflicted wound a lick and headed out, his tail and head hanging low. He wanted to spend time with his mate but she wasn't around. The wolf pups had left a void in him, that Amber's cousins did not help with, if anything they made it bigger. Clover being pregnant had done the same and he suspected that Aspen was pregnant as well, she was acting very similar to Clover lately. He didn't make it too far out of the den and he slumped down. He didn't want to be out of the den but he needed to be there just in case someone needed him.
Sliver caught up to orchid, "so, have you spotted any prey?"
Sliver caught up to orchid, "so, have you spotted any prey?"
"No, unless you are willing to go after a young buck with just little old me," she sighed, bringing down a buck would be cool but she did not think the two of them could bring one down, and she didn't think he would want to hunt something that big with her.
(I have to go.)
(so much sadness)

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